Re-rework veteran?

Idk man. I kind of like the new vet playstyles. But if youre not having fun with it… das not gud.

Damage? They have the highest possible melee DPS. Maybe less burst than ogryn, but definitely highest melee DPS. They also delete hordes just as well though maybe not quite as safely.

I’ve yet to see a class that can murder a daemonhost faster even without specialized weapons. Monstrosities in general also don’t last long, but I chose daemonhost because most players have trouble sticking on them while they’re being kited. Not so with zealot.

They do more than just live forever is why they are the highest class on my personal list.


Ah, you’re right on here. This is a niche they are marginally better at than other classes. I do suggest you try the new brute brainer shovel for the ogryn. Take brutal momentum and thrust and get back to me though. Also, try the new pistol and a weak-spot focused build on the vet. Probably not as fast as a thunder-hammer… but then you’ll be rocking the second slowest horde clearing weapon the zealot has if you’re using the ironhelm… and if you’re using the crucis, you’ll just be hitting the pox walker near his toes so maybe not haha.

Please, please, please do tell me about your martrydom build and how you can play auric STG with 27 hp.


Inexorable judgement. 240 hp 170 toughness.

then your dps isn’t that big of a deal, tbh.

40-50% additional attack speed with almost full uptime with 40% crit rate is not nothing.

I think you should look around at the other classes more.

I main Vet, and Psyker and Zealot are tied.

Ogryn could use a bit more playtime admittedly, but the apparent issues with him we’re immediately noticeable not in terms of what could potentially down him but what I simply couldn’t do by being limited by speed.

Zealot can top kill specials and elites with a melee weapon only opening up your ranged slot to have things like Bolter for even more stupid burst when you just don’t want to deal with things.

I don’t know any other class from personal experience that can completely ignore their ranged slot because of being so uncontested in melee.

I’m not saying zealot is bad. I think we may just have to agree to disagree here.

I never accused of you saying it’s bad. I’m saying its the best, and it’s not even close.

But yeah. Let’s just agree to disagree. We probably should have taken this debate to DMs anyways. Highjacked the thread a bit.

Feel free to DM me. I’m in out between games rn.

Vet is the most cracked class. Below are all Maelstrom PUG results.
Highest damage, least damage taken, highest objective focus. The class is cracked period.

As I mentioned before the buff, the class was already very good and if they buff it, I’ll abuse it. And I did just that. <3

What a useless piece of information. Do you reliaze how many variables are involved and you judge the whole class based on that? Now pick the build with smokes, exec stance and the most useless weapon and show me the results again. Not to mention performace of your team mates, their settup and the team composition matters as well. That’s why I hate the scoreboards. It’s like the fact that you had e.g. orgyn in your team pulling agro to himself or smitter with boubble giving you easy kills is nothing because it’s not reflected in the ****ing scoreboard.

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If you think you know what you’re talking about, go ahead show your results.
You know what? In fact, let’s both of us record a vid pulling the last 10 games results. Mine are all mael (perhaps 1 HSTG), and the results are pretty much the same. All pugs. If this doesn’t get to you that the class is damn good to easily pug mael, nothing will.

Of course there are a lot of variables. That’s why I showed 4 sb. As I stated, I’m more than happy to rec a vid showing my most recent 10 game results. Are you up for it? If you do I"ll do.

I don’t care. All I’m saying is that just because some veteran setups perfoms well doesn’t mean that everything is fine. I agree that veteran is on a decent spot but that’s not enough for me. I want diversity as well. I’m pretty sure you’re not playing with smokes. All your builds running Suvivalist and most likely Voice of Command. If you pick keystone it’s most likely Focus Target. Am I wrong?


I’m pretty much in the same boat.

I’ve been top scoring every match since I got back including patch 15 vet when we had our toughness massively crapped on while still having awful tree pathing.

Doesn’t matter. I don’t feel the same level of possibility of build variety as zealot from this tree.

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Pretty much every vet I see is one of the following these days:

  1. Autoguns
  2. Plasma
  3. Revolver

They’re always running VoC, kraks most of the time, etc cetera.

Build variety is dead it feels like. Exec stance isn’t worth it and honestly I think whoever designed the keystones needs to stop falling for the Fatshark School of Stacks


Yeah there’s no tax nodes attached to VoC and gold toughness counts for Iron Will so what build variety are people speaking of. You either go left or you go right, and you decide between krak or frag only.

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Not sure VoC needs tax nodes. FotF as an example is amazing on its own and its modifier just gives you more of the good stuff. VoC is arguably mid without the overshield.

Exe Stance has a lot of stuff that should be baseline like the resets, or the shooter highlights.

If it gave toughness back on use as a modifier then it would far more worth using.

Hell, if we compare it to gunlugger’s Point-Blank Barrage that one also starts out 100% useable no modifiers. Then gets toughness back for one point, DoT application, or rending for another.

Exe stance requires tax nodes just to become baseline useable.


It is very hard to outdamage a well built veteran with an optimal loadout rn.
What weapons were you running?

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