Re-reporting issue with dissapearing/appearing enemies - it's getting worse

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I am hoping for a public and honest input from your side on the progress of trying to fix this, or if you consider worth fixing at this point, or what’s your current understanding of the issue. I know this has been a thing since time immemorial, but lately this patch it has been happening even more so than the rest of vermintide 2 since launch combined. The video below shows compiled clips of A SINGULAR(log included if you guys want it) chaos wastes run, it happens EVERY game at least once.

Otherwise I am just dropping my personal experience and observations and feel free to trash this topic or connect it to the other ones if it’s spam.

  1. It genuinely does feel like it depends on the host’s location and especially if they are in host’s view or not.
  2. If they’re in host’s view and it’s a roaming enemy they dissapear the moment they get activated. (I have been told a few times they saw it too when I said it out loud seeing it myself in this case, but no pics so it didn’t happen rule on this for me)
  3. If it’s either idle or roaming enemy out of host’s view they just teleport somewhere else and activate once they’re in the “proper” location IF they we’re to be activated by clients pressence or attack.
    (Don’t have a showcase for roaming enemies reseting to a different location as that’s hopefully understandably quite hard to do, but if it’s only let’s say a stormvermin out of clanrat/SV roamers getting teleported, there is a singular SV starting a random ass roam from somewhere)
  4. It seems to me it’s very dependent on the current pacing and all that jazz that’s happening, especially regarding the roaming enemies.
  5. If it is truly an connection issue , then I am clueless and don’t see any pattern, it doesn’t matter how stable or unstable your connection is, the only thing that seems to be correlated to all of the occurences is that there is always 1 person with a ping over or fluctuating over the 100 treshold, it feels like it’s more prone to occuring if it is someone else rather than myself. (I do understand that clients can get corrected information and see something else on screen, I am too dumb to put my thoughts into words properly, talking mostly about lag and ping as a gAMeR)
  6. It seems to me that if they dissapear after they get activated by a client, they always dissapear completely.
  7. It’s way more prominent in Chaos Wastes
  8. The more chaos the game needs to crunch through, the more it is likely to happen, Wild modifiers overriding base game rules (Seek and destroy/vanguard deeds +/or twitch on cataclysm) (lowkey same point as the pacing)

Magically appearing faceplant enemies are from my experience only a client thing and I personally consider this a different issue, which is tied to host’s location + lag or enemies rubber-banding back to their original location after getting freezed in a running animation going on a hike through the air or sent flying by being pushed or staggered(this happens every 3-4th game for me, got a bunch of clips on that too). I have not experienced this ever as a host, and if I did, it was a different issue (like the recent patrol spawn point issue).

This thing is hardly infuriating or game-ruining, so it’s just the question on your progress, rather than a cry for help. It is however a prevalent issue that is occuring more and more often, perhaps something else broke? Do you need or even want more info dumps on this from the players?

The latest thread (The latest topic on this issue if I didn’t miss one: Enemies appearing and dissapearing) is literally refferencing to claims made by Respace on Reddit and showing a picture of discord DMs of all things, the least you could do is drop an answer in the actual thread and on the Forums. This whole thing is an issue since launch. Footage is 480p, if it’s too trashy I’ll split it up and upload it seperately at 720p for the 30MB. 2logs due to a restart in between sessions before rejoining the same lobby.

To get some positivity into this - Good luck and thank you for making versus at this time, as I understand that your attention is heavily split if not completely shifted, can’t wait for the launch. <3

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Have enemy go full ass Houdini B-)

go take your meds champ that rat was never there

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Unusual (<25%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

Profile info

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

[PC] Upload Console Log & vermintide2_launcher.log (Optional):

console-2024-08-30-21.03.12-d681f9e4-35f5-4d78-af99-85555083b52e.log (2.27 MB)
console-2024-08-30-21.59.43-485c685d-8406-479d-92f5-222b44211b05.log (5.26 MB)


I can back this guy up.

I was playing Screaming Bell on console and holy crap those Maulers just appears right in front of me.

This is even worse in Chaos Waste where entire mobs spawns right in view. And not even in a scripted magical way like chest of trials. Just poofs into existence.

And there’s more than a dozen times where I got karate chopped by a mauler from behind without any footsteps or sound cues. Especially bad in chaos wastes again and Tower of Treachery.

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Hi @Foctopus,

Enemies facespawning or disappearing is an issue that has been around for a while! :sweat:

From previous reports, it’s my understanding that there isn’t a simple blanket solution for this, and I was told it was best to obtain individual reports of locations this happens so we can investigate specific spawners and fix them for levels on a case-by-case basis.

That said, I’ve raised your report with the development team and querying again to see if there’s any more that could be done, or if there’s anything else other than specific location reports that can help.

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Thanks for the honesty and effort put into this!

I was about to suggest something along the lines of leaving this thread open or making a new one for said individual reports, but that sounded like a nightmare to deal with from your perspective not to mention that I don’t know if it would mess with some form of ticketing system or anything like that if you guys use it.

It might be better if you could provide us with some specific information or conditions any extra reports need to fulfill that could help us differentiate between other issues and this one on our own before submitting more, so you guys don’t get flooded by reports of issues that are in the end not related and relieving the stress of having to sort it. Of course if there is the need to be done so. Let’s wait on the answer from your dev folk before making any conclusion to this?

As one great meme one said: “By the people, After people, for the people, but the people are the R word.”


console-2024-09-03-00.24.52-47cb73f2-fd06-4178-9502-22d80c629aab.log (12.2 MB)


console-2024-09-03-20.50.10-cb9a305e-ec0f-4846-9e9c-2b81094ba81c.log (5.8 MB)


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console-2024-09-05-06.06.18-c17a801f-8a86-479a-a486-a17706f78776.log (12.0 MB)

Had to clear up disk space so I went through some of the latest saved clips, sorry for the dump.

Any update yet?

Got some games in as a host as well in some of these. The 8th one showcases even a special (the blightstormer) doing it…

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