Before the BBB, the rapier’s heavy attacks to the head staggered stormvermins and even Chaos warriors if they didn’t start their swing. But after BBB it no longer staggers them, and this change is not written in any of the patch notes.
So, was it an intentional nerf or not?
I believe it’s due to the removal of the flinch mechanic that occurred with the BBB
Ah you beat me to it.
Pretty much this. It can still stagger but it takes massive amounts of power and/or Opportunist to do it. The pistol shot still staggers most things however.
really? i thought it was removed only from light attacks, this sucks, i thought it was a realisic feature. not much a “stagger system” if you can’t make them flinch
Most of us (myself included after I calmed down) agreed that the full charge stab should stagger elites on headshot (when they aren’t doing an overhead) but it was quite late into the BBB by then and overall the Rapier is still a very good weapon.
Yeah, I agree it’s still very good, it’s just unrealistic that an enemy hit in the head with a piercing weapon wouldn’t flinch, it’s so counterintuitive. I think any kind of charged attack headshot should do it. I’m talking more about design than balance, mind you.
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