Ranged Damage modifier is giving way more than 6 or 8 percent

Issue Description:
This topic is made hours later after my friend had discovered that one of his two blue Recon Lasguns was doing more damage per shot than another Recon Lasgun.

His 319 Recon Lasgun (rapid fire version) had a 6% RANGED damage boost to elites.
While his 330 Recon Lasgun (Torrent version) had a 15% damage boost to unyielding enemies.

The 6% from what I could tell was giving around an extra 75% damage boost in accordance with the enemy type. (The Reaper in the screenshots)
I also found a braced autogun with the ranged damage boost that was blue as well, however I have to assume that Poxwalkers are another name for Infested.

There’s also a chance this is affecting melee weapons as well as they have similar abilities like 8% increased melee damage.

Take a look at the screenshots below.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Find a Ranged weapon with a damage modifier boost that specifically has ranged in it. Accompanied by a 6 or 8% percent. Then find a ranged weapon without the ranged part in the damage boost. (Should have like 20% or 15% on display for example)
  2. Test in Meat grinder due to damage numbers.
  3. Find that mathematically, it is giving more damage than it should.


Reproduction Rate:
Any Ranged weapon with a “Number% Ranged Damage (Enemy Type/Possibly Armor as well)”

Upload Supporting Evidence:

319 RL below

330 RL below

297 BA below

367 BA below

Single shots to the head:
319 below

330 below

Damage to other enemy (Infested)
319 below

330 below

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