Random Quickplay suggestion

Is there anyway we could get a random QP mode? Something that would match us with any difficulty, Cata and below? Perhaps give 5 shillings or something small to entice people to use it? I’ve noticed the game has got a huge surge of newer players with this expansion. Just thought it’d be a good idea for veteran players to help out the newbies. Guessing you’d have to limit it to 650 hero power so you don’t get champ players thrown into legend or Cata lobbies.


I love the idea and, if it works for all difficulties, there’s no reason a player couldn’t window the difficulties they queue for. Legend/Cata, Champion/Legend, Recruit/Veteran/Champion, etc. Could be great for player engagement :slight_smile:


Yeah, I cannot stretch my gaming comfort as far as Recruit to be honest. With all due respect to the n00bs, that’s just too darn boring. Champ/Leg/Cata would be nice, Vet is ok if run w/o the literature, but no recruit pleazy :blush:


I don’t mind jumping into recruit and teaching new people. I’ve done it with enough mates who I got into the game XD That’s just me though I guess. I don’t see why it couldn’t be customized to let you pick which difficulties you get autofilled into though. Not sure how easy this would be to implement… Just a suggestion, as lately I’ve found myself jumping into champ and normal legend games. That way I can just crank music and talk with people on discord without having to pay attention very much.


This QP probably should also lower you hero power based on the party’s difficulty, otherwise you will just steamroll through any mobs you encounter and there will be nothing left for the new players you will be matched with.

It would be better than just standing back the entire match, watching them play, fearing that your single cleave would kill the entire horde… if you get what I mean.

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Doesn’t that happen automatically though?

I do see your point, but I believe Legend and Cataplayers will just make the round too easy and less of a good experience for the new players.

That completely depends how you play. You can easily play with restraint, watch their backs, and deal with dangerous situations before it gets out of hand for them.


You are too fast! Had about the same idea myself!

You could handicap yourself!
What about just using one hand? Or playing drunk? Everytime somebody gets grabbed by a disabler you have to down a shot! That’ll make the game interesting!

Oh! Oh! Can we plan that for the next FatShark Stream please??


I don’t think it does, but to be honest I’m not really sure.

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Pretty sure hero power has a limit based on difficulty. It used to be like that anyways.


I didn’t think it was but, hey, I’ve never actually checked… so I’ll trust y’all on that one!

You play sober!? What kind of dawi are ya? (Kidding)

I think @SmokerT69’s point mostly wraps around to having an experienced player “show a rookie the ropes” of how to play and fight. Not knowing you can dodge; not knowing what the “whooshing” noise is for getting attacked from behind; etc could make for an easy dislike of the game.

I’ve got a whole host of friends who don’t play because whenever they do they just get butchered the moment a horde arrives because they play games where you must use your body as a tool for your team. Having a leader there to show them how you can kite a horde, dodge-tank a boss, or where to find the first tome on a level could all be great ways to help cushion the game’s somewhat rough start!


Well in that case I think you should be limited even more. From my experience when I run recruit/veteran difficulty for some last-minute weeklies, the enemies pose little to no threat and die super fast.
Not the best if you don’t want to ruin the experience for new players.

This could be done by having Quickplay’s big ol’ “difficulty select” button be, instead, a list of all difficulties with checkboxes, so you can just tick on the difficulties that you’d like to search for. If it doesn’t find a game, it’ll host a game on the highest difficulty that is ticked on in that list.


It used to be, and still is though the restrictions have been changed back and forth over several patches (1.05, 1.5, 2.0), as of now, looking at the code indicates that the power_level_cap of recruit is at 400 and veteran is at 500, while champion and above are not capped. The caps are still well above the balancing points to where enemies would be as tanky as they are on higher difficulties.