Quick Post Regarding Cosmetic Bundle Pricing

The new outfits look great but I’m disappointed to see that they cost 800 more Aquilas than the prior. I’d really not like to see pricing based on “we think you’ll really like this” and just keep it consistent.

If you want to charge 2900 this should come with at least 5 pieces: Head, Body, Legs, Weapon, Trinket

The other current bundles are 2100 and I don’t think the “quality” of these new ones justifies such a large price increase.

When you just purchased bundles for 2100 and then they try to sell you these new ones for 2900 “because they’re special” I feel like I’m being fleeced. It feels like a punch in the gut. I decided I was happy to pay 2100 and now you’re telling me that’s no longer enough. I just want to feel respected and appreciated as a customer. This price increase for no apparent reason leaves me a bit resentful

I wish I was voice enough to make a change but I fear this will just sell like crazy cause apparently people really love this aesthetic. Please Fatshark, just be consistent; don’t chase the whale; don’t increase prices behind “hype”

Well at least I got it out…


Based on the amount of people using Kreig skins now, I’m guessing FS has absolutely no reason to stop this price gouging BS and it will in fact probably only get worse. 40k fans are famously stupid with their money and the bloodsuckers in FS’s marketing team know it.

Just crazy to me that people can justify spending this much real life money on cosmetics, especially when the strategy behind it is so transparently scummy.


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