Quick Eviscerator Fix

We can agree to disagree on this.

You donā€™t think T Hammer is a single target oriented weapon? Iā€™m just a bit confused about what youā€™re saying here more than anything? Not even trying to argue particularly just trying to understand what you were actually saying.

No, no I mean Evis should be more of a generalist damage dealer instead of being single-target focused like the thunder hammer.

It should sit between HS and TH in a way. It should have:

  • Better single target on non-special than both (somewhere close Caxe)
  • Lower anti-horde than HS but better than currently
  • Same killing power on elites as TH outside Ogryns (meaning you can one-shot everything)
  • Lower Boss damage than TH

Iā€™m fine if you have to spec for it btw with either blessings or perks, but currently Iā€™m running Rampager + whatever Iā€™m trying right now, with maniacs and flak and it doesnā€™t even clear flak ragers without headshot while locking you up similarly as TH self stun, and it feels bad.

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Ah I see so I was confused between what it is vs what role you think it should be. While I do think it somewhat matches your description already as a middle point between T Hammer and HS I generally agree with you on how to improve it.

As you pointed out it does already one shot most things with headshot (or rampage/Martyrdom active), but a minor increase to do it on body shot/without boosts too would be fine considering the animation commitment. I find with Savage and punishment the amount of control you put out with a relatively responsive and quick feeling moveset compared to T Hammer makes it feel easier and safer overall to me. I disagree it feels ā€œbadā€ currently but naturally thatā€™s going to be pretty subjective. I enjoy it rather a bit on Damn though I donā€™t think Iā€™ve thrown it up against anything more crazy than normal Damn in recent use.

Certainly we agree it should cut through hordes a bit better than it currently does. I think thatā€™s the main thing it needs to feel more fitting as a big ol chain greatsword.

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I strongly agree with everything in your post including your proposed changes and this line especially.

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Eviscerator Balance does not need to be that on point. Even if its cleave was anywhere near the Heavy Sword, the HS would have one up on it. Mobility. Survivability. Clutch potential.

Whenever the cleave(or single target damage) seems to be cranked up too much, reduce stamina, or effective dodges. That way it is able to move away from the damage+surviability weapons corner, aka Knife, Axe, and HS.

We got four dodges and plus three stam on Eviscerator right now. Half it and poor some pour some blood over it. Preachers current tree should be more than able to sustain such a low mobility/stamina weapon.
(Iam not even against implementing weapon draw time to heavy melee weapons as another source of balancing. Atleast if it has to be done to separate weapon identities. There are insta swap guns. Why not the other way around?)

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Bulwark issues (shield hitbox, other enemies hiding in it whilst attacking) are totally separate, and I donā€™t think we need even more weapons able to negate their shield. They are supposed to be there to apply a constant pressure at your frontline.

Evi is a 2 hander with with 2 blessings which increase cleave, yet no way to improve cleave damage distribution. Its infested damage is also pretty low also, so those issues put together make you throw infested hordes around instead of quickly killing them. If Fatshark idea here was to fall back on your ranged weapon for horde clearā€¦I will leave sponging ammo for those who enjoy holding down a button with the flamer.

Heavy 1 + Light 1 Evi horde clear combo, or even block/weapon swap animation cancelling (if that is your thing) can only do so much. Which doesnā€™t make the weapon terrible mind you, you just have to work around it weaknesses. More weapons should be like that and offer some interesting attack combos to offset some of their natural weaknesses. Evi is defo one of my favourite weapons in the game atm.


Its just so weak and slow. I find i get much more done on all fronts with the Chaxe with none of the disadvantages and all of the cool VRRRRRRR engine noised and blood fountains to really activate my neurons.

I looks like we both enjoyers of under-appreciated weapons. Evi light attacks are really quick for what it is, and with Shred and Rampage pretty good at quick clear. Heavy1 followed by Light1 is ā€œdecentā€ at horde clear, even if not as effective as it should be (lack of cleave damage/infested damage being bad).

Chain axe just makes my brain hurt when I try to use it. Light attacks ā€œstickā€ to enemies and genuinely makes me want to scream, but then Iā€™m glad someone enjoys it.

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A thread about the eviscerator! I have been having a love/hate relationship with this weapon since launch. I very much like it the way it is now, after having played it a lot, except I think it does struggle a bit too much with the horde-clearing department - for a huge 2 handed chainsaw that makes horizontal attack patterns. I had this run a couple days ago where my teammates got wiped and I was pretty confident I could try run to them and revive, and then all of a sudden there is this huge poxwalkers horde coming and blocking the way. I was, "okay, fine, iā€™m dead now :cry: ". Clearing a poxwalker horde - even a small one - with eviscerator takes aaaaaages!!! You can only just kill a handful of them with each blow, knocking the rest of them on the floor. The horde damage is really underwhelming. You have those two other two-handed zealot weapons that also struggle with horde clear - the crusher and thunder hammer - but they make up for it with ton of impact, knocking everything on the floor including elites. There you can speak of horde control - not horde clear, though. Those weapons are efficient at controlling mixed hordes. Eviscerator, not so much: you have only a little bit of impact which makes you unable to efficiently crowd control a thick mixed horde.

Soā€¦ Itā€™s bad at horde clear, bad at horde controlā€¦ What is it good at? I think itā€™s pretty similar in use to the thunder hammer, but you are sacrificing some impact and single target DPS for more mobility and attack speed. Itā€™s a bit safer and practical than thunder hammer. Itā€™s a trade off. Single target damage is still pretty good with the special and you can throw a chastise the wicked during a revved up attack to gain crit and ignore armor for the duration of the attack, plus make another one while still in ult (the revved up attack counts as dot and therefore doesnā€™t end the 5 seconds chastise, like if you were using your ult while firing a gun, you get the 4 or 5 full seconds of activation)

Noooo! It can be an insanely mobile weapon! People are going to laugh at me but what are you taking as a second blessing apart from Savage Sweep? ā†’ Rampage? Momentum? Wrath? Bloodthirsty? I tried them all, they are all so underwhelming that I could barely notice themā€¦ Trust me, you have to try the ā€œRev i upā€ blessing on a 75+ mobility Eviscerator! First of all, itā€™s loads of fun running at tremendous speeds with your weapon special activated. It feels like activating the ā€œmotorbikeā€ superpower. Brrrrr! But then when you think about it, the heavy 1 attack on eviscerator doesnā€™t get stuck on chaff when using special, but instead your whole attack gets a damage bonus up until where it reach a certain hit mass, where it will end itā€™s course by doing the shredder animation on a single target. So, running around with the eviscerator always revved up is pretty good, because you get bonus dmg on your heavy horizontal attack + the possibility of deleting a single special at any moment. It doesnā€™t force you to be stuck on the shredding animation like the chainsword or axe thanks to that heavy 1 attack synergy with the special. Also, you have 4 dodges on eviscerator against 2 on crusher/thunder hammer, and for whatever reason the forward dodges are linked to you sprint speed, not the dodge distance - which impacts lateral dodges only. An eviscerator with a good mobility stat and the ā€œrev it upā€ blessing will give you a huuuuuge forward dodge distance that will render tactical axes absolutely jealous! You will be making huge forward leaps with a revved up eviscerator, charging a squad of shooters at the other end of the room in a blink. Itā€™s the same reason I run ā€œstripped downā€ on a 78 mobility agripinaa braced autogun on some other builds.
There is a little tip on how to use 'rev it up" on eviscerator correctly: the blessing bonus speed only lasts 2 seconds, and if you repress the special button while the revved animation is still on, it will deactivate it and interrupt your sprinting. You donā€™t want that, so you will press the special button while sprinting/before forward dodging, then after 2 seconds quickly swap between your ranged weapon and back to your eviscerator, then repeat.
There you go! My 80 mobility Mk5 Caxe is feeling so sluggish now next to my eviscerator :sweat_smile:
I might make a video on it if people are interested. It seems like iā€™m the only one playing this blessing.
Like someone said, itā€™s very niche, though. It allows you to take a slow ranged weapon with it while still being very mobile, which isnā€™t the case of the thunder hammer. You want a flamer, shotgun or kantrael with your TH? Be ready to be slowwww

You are so right on this one ahah! Although this unimpressive feeling is pretty specific to hitting a crowd of poxwalkers, if I may. Hitting a bunch of unarmored/flakk armored targets is actually very satisfying on this weapon!