Question to Devs: will you post "patch notes" before Nov 17 early-beta to show changes vs October beta?

I personally would like to know what was changed compare to previous beta (I know that chainsword buffs were confirmed by Hedge) so I wonder if you will post patch notes before we start playing at Nov 17th so we can check what was polished/reworked/changed/added.



don’t really see point in a list like this. What the point for us to see what they changed from beta, if beta was limited pice of game we didn’t see yet?
AI and mechanics should be the same but game is bigger then we saw.

On 17th I would like to see working (close to perfect) game and road map. This would be amazing!!

They can say few things about community requests and what they implemented or think about it, but I’m sure when we see full arsenal there will be more requests/questions from players.

What a weird take. A list of changes from the last beta would help us focus our testing and feedback much better. EG we see that catachan knife is not in the patch notes, hence unchanged, so we know we don’t need to do further matches with it to give feedback.

Also somewhat similarly perhaps some weapon special attacks that were bad in the last beta get buffed, but you’ve already ingrained not to bother using that move. Seeing it’s been changed in patch notes would remind you to specifically try it out to see how it is now.

So yeah, I do think having a list of changes from the previous beta would be extremely helpful for continued testing in the pre order beta. I don’t mean listing things that straight up weren’t in the last beta but are now, obviously that’s pointless, but wherever something that was in the previous beta has been changed, it would definitely be very helpful to know about it going in.


I would love to see how they reacted to the feedback. I’s always great to know that your concerns were heard.


True. Spazz did awesome job with those “Generous” series of posts. We all try to give the best feedback we can and it would be nice to see that FS cares.


Thanks, don’t mention it. We all want the game to be perfect ^^


It’s not a bad idea. I can ask around.


Big thanks for replying. I bet whole community would jump from excitment to see patch notes :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I’d love to see patch notes, but I also want to respect the developer’s time.

The build we played I think was the build journos got back in the summer. There’s been a lot of development since then, and going back and tracking down and documenting those changes for us isn’t a small amount of work. (My devs have to do this all the time.)

So while I’d like patch notes so we know what’s changed from the last build, I would settle for the following:

-A list of changes that focus on the things Beta players gave lots of feedback on.
-A list of priorities devs would like feedback on for the final Beta build.

I don’t need to know that the render speed or loading time of some texture was improved, or that an ammo bug that really never hurt me was fixed back in August. When people say Patch Notes, that’s what I expect to see.

So I’d rather just have the big bullet points and some guidance on what they really want feedback on. Which, of course, won’t always match what we want to give feedback on.

But documenting 4 months of changes from the build we saw is maybe more than is reasonable to ask.

This is also a weird take. It’s fine to admit you want evidence that the beta mattered for more than just metrics, heatmaps and server load testing.

If you’re gonna make unfavorable assumptions about my motivations, I’d appreciate you at least bother to make an argument against what I’ve said. FS has clearly shown interest in getting feedback on pretty much all aspects of the game with how they’ve set up the beta feedback forum. Letting us know what has changed between the last beta and the next one would genuinely help in giving further feedback.

it would be interesting to see but wasnt that demo the same build they have been showing off to press and at cons for months? its going to be hard to know what was changed for what reason.

I want to see what was changed. Also stop using US speak for yourself not the community.


Hey, thanks for that changes listed: Fatshark - Darktide :slight_smile:


Nice. The rundown of changes is appreciated.

And it turns out they included exactly 0 of the balance changes in that list.

Doing significant beta testing but not even communicating clearly what is being changed as you go. It’s very very hard to understand the thinking behind this approach.

No to mention those balance changes feels horrible. It’s like different game vs Closed Beta. I still belive Zealot is just bugged/broken. Becasue if anything from him is intentional, I am refunding.

Psyker feels horrible as well, just messed up class right now.

Apparently they haven’t learnt their lesson to address overperformers with gradual gentle tweaks over several patches till it hits the right place rather than the sledgehammer approach. Not that I even know what all the adjustments are without opening the game and her talent tree andtrying to remember what previous values actually were, which is just a bit ridiculous.

Yeah, like going from 100% Peril to 50% peril on Ult is just amatour level of “balancing”. Should have been 90-80% first, see how it goes etc. then maybe tweak it further. Also again: it was change NOBODY ASKED FOR in Closed Beta. All we wanted was cooldown on Brain Burst or little higher Peril Cost, that’s it.

Like what the hell, where did that feedback go?

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