There is such an incredibly long list of QoL features more important than these cosmetic requests.
- Can’t lock/favorite gear
- Can’t convert gold to plasteel/diamantine (or disassemble items to crafting components)
- Can’t tell when gear is equipped on another loadout
- Only have 5 loadouts per character
- Can’t tell my relative performance in a match (without mods)
- Can’t remove those awful iron sights from Hellbore
- Can’t tell which character is granting buffs
- Can’t tell what someone’s coherency radius is, especially if they do or do not have talents which increase the radius
- Can’t tell in mission what someone’s coherency aura is (e.g. zealot running selfish build, no point in staying close to them)
- Can’t queue into private games, even to test something
- Can’t use live AI dummies to check damage resistance values when testing builds
- Can’t have custom bots (like in Vermintide 2) for when a slot isn’t backfilled in a game
- Can’t disable cross play when annoyed by the console/PC disparity (console has no flip camera button, there are some major hamstrings for the same game stats wise, no flame intended)
- Can’t quick play into games without risking quick playing into a tier 5 high intensity shock troop gauntlet
- Can’t take friends into the psykanium
- Can’t tell when you have already unlocked a higher level blessing of the same type on an item in your inventory or the shop
- MUST CHECK THE SHOP EVERY HOUR TO MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT MISSING A PERFECT ITEM (Vermintide you could just accumulate chests on one character and open them together on any other)
- No red-rarity perfect items that bypass the incredible stat grind
- NO TRANSPARENCY, WHATSOEVER, ON WHAT A SINGLE STAT, BUFF, DEBUFF, OR EFFECT IS (Even fatshark confused brittleness and rending when they dropped the skill tree rework)
- No reward of any kind for killing bosses (Vermintide they added loot dice upon boss kill after enough people complained it was a pointless challenge – I guess they forgot they ever did this)
- No shared weapons is actually a really good point QoL-wise
- WEAPON NAMES ARE SO INCONSISTENT IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP TRACK (ogryn Lorenz guns might be shotgun or grenade launcher depending on suffix, psyker force sword might be single target or cleave depending on the prefix. If these had names like “revolver” people could keep track, but this is generally a pretty awful cost of entry to learn what each of these weapons do)
- No outline for teammates unless they’re incredibly far, impossible to keep track
- Such an incredibly high number of bugged skills, blessings, and weapons that I can no longer trust if anything works (this is, in fact, a QoL issue because I now need to test or research every important skill on my own to verify they work. In most cases, they work inconsistently at best).