QP seems to be flooded with TrOT or the Dwarf Maps

Even when I’m hosting, it seems like these are the only maps I ever play/see on QP. Unless I go out of my way to select an older map (which takes away the QP bonus so no fun) it’s getting quite stale to me. The new maps aren’t all that fun either. There’s no actual “boss” map for them so it’s all just one long slog through the map and at the end it’s a long end event because carrying barrels is just a pain in the butt (which these are some of my least favorite events that they put in the game, it seems like a very anti-player mechanic to me as you can’t attack, block, and have very limited push/throw ability and if the barrel is even touched it’s donezo). This isn’t necessarily a huge deal but it’s a pain in the butt to exit game, only to go right back into hosting a QP and loading right back into the same map or another from its storyline. Sometimes i like running back through the older maps since i know grim and tome locations a little better as well as knowing the maps a little better helps with general gameplay. It would be nice if i could filter which missions i’d like to cycle through in QP, this might introduce a host of other problems like some maps being completely unplayed but that might be a good thing as this could show people just don’t like doing certain map layouts/events.

QP isn’t entirely random, it is heavily weighted to choose maps that are played less often. This weighting was never NOT broken, it is a horrible system all in all, and should be done away with completely.

Played or competed iirc. That’s why the hard maps come more often.