Punishing Salvo: wrong values and no in-game effect

Issue Description:
Punishing Salvo lists an in-game value that is higher than in the patch notes. Further, when tested in-game, it seems to have no effect. The blessing is supposed to add extra damage to the third and fourth shot in a salvo, but a four-round burst will show no additional damage.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Equip a weapon with Punishing Salvo (used a Recon VIIa)
  2. Load into the Meat Grinder
  3. Fire a four-shot burst.
  4. Compare the burst damage against a single shot.


Reproduction Rate:

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
Video of Meat Grinder damage testing: punishing salvo
Above video uses the following weapon: https://imgur.com/X4CBsXG.png

In the video, the weapon deals 106 on a single shot, 318 on a three-round burst, and 424 on a four-round burst. It should be dealing 337 on a three round burst, and 462 on a four round burst.

Also, note that the weapon blessing is too high. It should be in the 14-20% range, but it lists 45%. Perhaps related to the bug?

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