Psyker penance: Power Up

Having done the battery one, I thought I was done with this nonsense, but here’s another penance prohibiting using your combat ability.

That’s not what is bothering me about this penance though. What’s bothering me is that Warp charges and Brain Burst have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Who comes up with this stuff?

Here I was thinking Veteran penances were bad, but Psyker takes the cake.

In fact they did.

This is a penance from the game’s release. You got warp charges from brain bursting.

Strictly speaking, it isn’t so much harder to do it now than it was before that it warrants dev time on a rework.


Warp Siphon actually synergies rather well with BB! Given it gives CA cooldown when you use it letting you cycle Kinetic Resonance if you want to go that route. Still probably better to use EP anyway though given the lack of BB damage, but still has synergies that work decently well!

But…yeah, the main issue is the penance. Is an old one, and holding on to warp stacks while trying to us BB is like, actually just terrible and not worth doing. Pretty terrible stuff.

I will say though, the fact I don’t remember this penance being bad makes me think that the way I think I did it is correct (it’s been a WHILe), and I’m hoping it is/it still works. But I’m pretty sure what I did was get kills off of Kinetic Flayer exclusively, and never actually went for specialist kills with BB itself.

With a Inferno staff and In Fire Reborn, you can just passively let this Penance complete verses actively trying to force it, and one can even do it with other staffs as well if they are ok not using their CA and taking Psychic Vampire. That’s a bit more dedicated of a build though.

But yeah, assuming that still works/I’m not remembering wrong, that would be the way I’d do it. Verses trying desperately to kill specials with a 3 second wind up time…

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Thanks. I got it done in about five missions. Kinetic Flayer helps and counts towards progress.

Also the full soulblaze built with inferno staff makes maxing out warp charges alright.

Still, it’s an awful penance. For example, taking the 6 warp charges talent means this penance becomes harder to achieve. Keeping warp charges maxed means no combat ability and apparently BB once added warp charges directly, but since that doesn’t happen anymore, there’s no real relation between BB and Warp Charges.

In fact, for brain burst, the empowerd psyonics keystone is much better.

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Glad I could help! And glad my memory served me correctly, thought for sure I did that one ‘passively’ while doing other warp charge stuff (like keeping it maxed for a whole lot of seconds) and turns out my memory hasn’t failed me yet! Yippy!

But yeah, it could probably use an update, something along the lines of ‘us brain burst to gain 100 warp charges’ or something, to encourage using BB to kill specialists and Elites still but be able to still access it’s CDR synergy. It would at least be SOMEthing verses how it functions now where it’s just kinda a tax for a time until you get the penance.

Glad with this tech you got it relatively quickly though!

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