- Yes, would be a cool rework of what we have…
- No, i think what we have now is good.
ive been thinking this since the first time i read Disrupt Destiny.
it sounds more like a Vet KeyStone than a Psyker Keystone, just read the Description.
Disrupt Destiny
Every second, Enemies within 25m have a chance of being marked. killing a marked enemy replenished 10% toughness, Grants 20% movement speed for 2.5s, and adds a Precision Bonus for 15s.
Each Precision Bonus Grants +1% Damage, +2% Critical Damage, +2.5% Weakspot Damage. Precision Bonus Stacks 15 Times.
it sounds like it would be a better fit for a Vetren like character
someone who can Snipe or assassinate an enemy using their tool kit.
ether by going invisible or by taking them out at extreme range.
it doesnt feel like a Psyker Skill.
so im suggesting a rework of 2 of the Psyker Keystones.
= Psyker Keystone Rework =
(just realized it looks like the Psyker Eye Emblem, was not intentional, still cool though)
most of the nodes are there except their is no Disrupt Destiny keystone.
in its place is another Warp Siphon keyStone and new combine functionality.
Quicken Siphon (works as Warp Siphon now)
killing an elite or specialist enemy gains you a warp charge for 25s stacking 4 times.
your next combat ability spends all warp charges but reduces the cool-down of your next combat ability by 7.5% per warp charge
on the other side
Warp Siphon (works as old Warp Siphon without Quicken)
killing an elite or specialist enemy gains you a warp charge for 25s stacking 4 times.
gain 3% Toughness Damage Reduction per warp charge. when Reaching 100% Peril, instead of Exploding you expend all warp charges reducing Peril by 15% per warp charge.
this would allow Sword Psykers to get back some of their lost moxy from patch 13.
as well as help Psykers who like living on the edge of detonation.
Names on the Tree
all other nodes are the same as their names in the current Psyker Tree,
Purloin Providence Trigger chance based on Killing Elites and Specials
Cruel Fortune grants 2 additional Warp Charges as its base.
Node Locks
everything on the one side of the tree locks everything on the other
(Purloin Providence Locks Essence Harvest) & (Essence Harvest Locks Purloin Providence)
(Cruel Fortune Locks Psychic Vampire) & (Psychic Vampire Locks Cruel Fortune)
(Inner Tranquility Locks Inner Tranquility)
middle nodes dont lock and can be used to Navigate.
what was lost
so all the current nodes are there besides:
- The Disrupt Destiny Keystone
- Lingering Influence( Double Charge Duration ) ( Disrupt Destiny node )
- Perfectionism( Double Charge Amount ) ( Disrupt Destiny node )
Thoughts Comments Concerns?