as the squishiest class, the psyker needs some form of mobility, or a full circle knockback on F in order to actually escape/survive crowded situations. simple and straightforward. id take a blink over psykinetic wrath in current form.
I’d be fine with PW if it was a guaranteed consistent stagger vs everything. The problem with it is that it is inconsistent.
Do we really need more escapes than spam slide + crouch dodging + FW?
You can even add more safety to those techniques by picking up a high mobility Deflector Sword.
Using Surge if I focus on keeping the horde or clunp of specials in front of me, picking up stragglers on the way, clumping them together with what is infront of me, all is generally fine.
Also you can jump dodge (backwards for instance) simultaniously while shooting lightning which also helps with positioning, since back-hopping moves you faster.
There’s a lot of tricks you can pull off with Deflector and sliding in order to solo tank big groups of ranged that comes with practice that I’ve experienced while being partied with way better players than me.
I really do not want to be „that guy“ but this sounds like a skill issue.
Not every class needs a movement ability.
If you feel like you are lacking mobility, you can use a more mobile weapon.
i dont have a deflector sword and i put in like 140h on psyker only but what the shop dont give you cant get ^^.
also i don’T have mobility problems as psyker with surge and force sword, its about knowledge and how to play.
This. But at least it’s acknowledged to be bugged.
A small related issue is how much time you have to spend quelling peril in high intensity situations. You can quickly stack up peril when you have to keep chaining bb or 2ndary fire on surge or purge staff, and then you can often get caught already having used PW to dump peril only to be back at 100% peril with no opportunity to quell on Damnation+High Intensity/Hunting Grounds.
but you are that guy haha. im just an average player trying to have fun. and having to skill max slide dodging sounds like a chore to me more than using my abilities and… having fun.
True, until you get peril management under control, I didn’t find it a very fun class to play. It’s also difficult not taking the talent for full movement speed while quelling. I usually don’t, but I often whish I had mid mission.
You can also just buy all Force Swords with low rarities and consecrate them. That’s how I managed to get deflector Sword. I now have about 250h in the game (most on Psyker) and to this date have yet to see a deflector Sword in store. Waiting for your luck with blessings that change playstyle radically as soon as you get them is not worth it.
I was using Mind in Motion in the beginning as well, but I have since switched to kinetic deflector.
In combat you want to dodge slide while quelling anyway, so the only instance where I would have use for Mind in Motion is outside of combat. Then again taking a dueling sword gives you massive passive quell speed, so even that is not a factor.
PW clearing 50% peril feels terrible compared to the 100% back in beta. Was it that OP to have it clear 100%? Reverting this would help a lot to make the class gameplay feel better.
i did that, didnt work you know how hard it is to get a forcesword to begin with? :/, so the only 2 viable builds i found are atm: surge or purge with soulblaze.
Ok that sucks. Think I got it on my 6th consecration attempt. Granted the lowest tier of it, but hey. Regardless I am more a fan of dueling sword V anyway.
You don’t depend on slide dodging to manage horde pressure.
But… dodging IS the mobility you’ve been asking for?
If you feel like using dodges and slides are not something you might enjoy, let me introduce you to the Dueling swords! This weapon group makes dodging, sliding, and blocking really fun (and effective). Dueling swords are going to turn evasive movement into a habit. Then you will be able to use it automaticaly.