Ps4 cannot connect to game server

Hi everyone. New guy here and I come seeking help.

I bought this game a couple of month ago and I love it. After awhile I started getting DCd all the time and in the end I couldn’t even log in to the game.

So I uninstalled about a month ago and reinstalled it today. Now I cannot even go online.

“Cannot connect to game server”

I’ve looked online and cannot find a solution.

Please help me

Sorry to hear this. Could you PM me your PSN ID please?

Of course.


It looks like you managed to log in earlier, is that right? Around 10:30amish CET?

Yeah got online and into a game and almost immediately disconnected.

Tried just now as well. Managed to get online butt was disconnected as soon as I joined a match. Didn’t even get into the match this time only the loading screen.

It’s unfortunate that I can’t see any errors being reported in the backend.

Have you already ran through the list here?:

I have been getting into games now but they ultimately crash when I enter the bridge.

I’ll try the link.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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