Progress Weaves without timer

I was so stoked when I came back and saw in some patch notes that the timer now would not kick you out. And then I played and read another announcement saying that they purposefully changed it so you can’t unlock new weaves if the timer is zero!
Literally, you made it so I actually wanted to do weaves, and then completely missed what the majority of people actually wanted.

I am BEGGING; just make it so the timer only affects leaderboards but you can progress and do the Okri’s regardless of if the timer has run out. Literally one of the most bizarre and nonsensical reversals I have ever seen, and completely destroys any point to changing the weaves at all.
If you want significantly more people to actually play and enjoy weaves, allow us to progress and get the achievements even if the timer reaches zero, but not get any leaderboard bragging rights kind of thing. Having the bots has been nice, but the weaves are so overtuned and ridiculous after a point anyways. Just kill the timer restriction.


No. Timer is part of the challenge. If you want to stand in cheese spot for 3 hours until the map is empty weaves are not for you.


Or maybe some people want to try out the different challenges at pace they can actually enjoy.

If you want to be MLG, then that is why the timer is there, but every single other person shouldn’t be barred from an entire game mode that almost no one plays anyways just because a few people want to be elite. That is why the timer would put them on the leaderboard, but it should be able to be progressed as long as you actually beat the level, regardless of time.


Except the timer IS part of the different challenges

  1. no one tries to be elite or cares about the leaderboards, they dont show anything anyway rn. People just like this timer. People love being challenged not only by damage/hp scale
  2. weaves are not a campaign. In campaign/chaos wastes timer doesnt matter (just in case, in vs if you stay in a mission for too long it ends because of the timer, yes). We dont ask to nerf nurgloth even though « not many » people enjoy playing EL on cataclysm. We dont ask to delete some hats from lohners shop because in most people’s opinion theyre ugly. And, well, most players are currently lower than champion, usually they’re on champ/legend (when there is no sale). Does it mean cataclysm should be nerfed for them to enjoy it like cata players do ? Weaves are just a différent game mode that is loved and played. People who dont play weaves think wére trying to gatekeep something, calling us cheaters and stuff, but wére not trying to gatekeep a frame or something. There are people who can help with weaves, and doing them (Even not all 160) teaches you really much, trust me. Its not about how i want to stay out of people with my weave frame, i dont Even play with people in first place to show off. Imagine that now every single difficulty in game is recruit, everything is accessible for everyone, seek and destroy deeds can not spawn more than 3 specials at once. Will it be fun for everyone ? No.
    Weaves require strategy and a clean run, complètely clean, no mistakes allowed. Why is it bad when its more like a puzzle, not like « ima come and kill everything ». It is just a différent experience.
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I can understand where you are coming from. It just baffles me, then, that they even bothered changing the timer and then change it again a day later. I guess it seems like a redundant decision.

Afaik, they only changed the thing that weave doesnt instantly end as soon as you run out of time só you can try and explore it a bit more, they never wanted to remove timer completely xx

Im just hoping they add older seasons that I was not able to play. It can bring some people who missed older weaves back to the game mode, and newbies as well will have many more « easier tier » weaves to practice and feel progress :slight_smile:

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The timer has 2 different functions that must be considered separately:

  1. It is used as a metric for the leaderboard.
  2. It denies progress if the level is completed after time has ran out.

The first issue can easily be solved so that the time counts upwards instead of downwards. Faster time → higher rank. Therefore it all revolves about the second issue.

So, should the timer prevent progress, when an arbitrary number of minutes has passed? Should time be a challenge that you have to overcome, before you can go on to a more difficult level?

Imagine a situation where that quastion is asked during the design process - what are the consequences? A main result of that decision is obviously: The content is harder to complete, as it is an additional challenge to overcome. Another might be: A run is always decided in less that 20 minutes. But what does this imply?

  1. Players who complete a level have a greater feeling of accomplishment.
    → This is great for players who achieve this, for they can display their earned portrait frame.
    → It’s a motivator for people who love challenges, that can’t get to hard.
    → If there is a player who has a certain portrait frame, you can be sure that they have gone through great efforts to achieve this.
  2. Players need multiple attempts to complete levels.
    → Climbing the levels takes time, as the difficulty ramps up fast.
    → Players might give up on the way, because if you fail, you don’t have any form of progress (other than the Athanor - if that is maxed out, you are stuck or need help). You might never complete it, therefore you have to make a decision for every failed run, if you have reached your limit and should stop.
  3. To complete a level in time, players have to keep the time in mind and decide team composition and talents around it. I’m sure that decision was made, so players know that they will be done within 20 minutes, so they can plan around that time frame (“I only have 30 minutes time - i can do a quick weave”)
    → This rewards picks, that lead to a ‘as fast as possible’ playstyle (it actually requires them).
    → It punishes picks, that will get the job done consistently, but takes too long.
    → It creates some kind of puzzle to solve a level (yet it is not designed as a puzzle).

Own opinion:
The most important question that should always be asked is: Is it fun to play?

The answer to that question is of course highly subjective, however: the main ‘fun’ part here is to overcome a challenge and climbing the ranks. So how do you design a challenge that is fun? A challenge is only fun, if you have the feeling that you can do it eventually, otherwise you quit and only the feeling of failure remains. Yet, even if you see a way to overcome a challenge - the way to do it should also be fun! Meaning: it should resonate with fun things, that made you like Vermintide in the first place (like a favourite class/playstyle). And here is where i think the weaves fail horribly as the difficulty (in conjunction with the timer) does not leave enough room to complete the level in a fun way. Additionaly, the ‘play-as-fast-as-possible’ playstyle is odd to me, because the most fun part of Vermintide is to kill things - yet this playstyle rewards you for not doing that (clarification: you still need to kill stuff, but time is more important)… So yes, i think the timer needs to go, as it is just an arbitrary limitation to the maximum duration, yet restricting playstyles (and therefore the fun), which has to take priority. Always.


Sorry, old, I know, but this. Timer makes it so unfun due to the reprocussions. Still able to rush through if you want, as many do in vanilla maps on twitch cata.
Have a prematch toggle to have insta lose timer on or no timer.