Missing audio effects for some enemies, mainly completely silent berserkers and no “swoosh” sound for maulers doing overhead swing at your back.
Bugged out voip not working until reenabled on every map load and for many barely audible if turned on.
I have those issues on Windows 7 with default Micro$oft supplied basic audio driver.
Buddy of mine reports same issues on Win 10 and here in the topic I see people with different OSes and audio setups having similar issues.
Most of those problems started for me when I opted in for balance beta and most of those problems were being reported by other people in beta bugs portion of the forums.
Why was the beta turned into patch 1.3 if the audio issues were not fixed? People are relying on the audio cues after all and without them game becomes a chore.
And the voip? Commands wheel cannot help in every situation and typing just isn’t fast enough.
Oh and if I remember correctly, there were similar audio problems in first Vermintide at some point (around the time before Karak Azgaraz DLC release).
It feels like previous problems didn’t taught our devs any lessons in how to avoid those problems in the future or how to deal with them properly.