Problem: Weekly Contract : RNG on mission being available

Problem Statement
Currently the weekly contract: “Complete secondary objectives within the Mission ” causes issues with availability.
When refreshing the available missions to do this mission you have 3 outcomes:
(A) - The mission is not there (Can’t progress)
(B) - The mission is there but has no secondary objectives (Can’t progress)
(C) - The mission is there and it has a secondary objective (Can try to progress)

For a working casual gamer with a family to look after, it’s possible that due to the games taking 20-30mins to complete, we may only be able to complete 1 mission in a day, if that. There may be more chance at a weekend perhaps, but if time is limited and the mission is not available, then the player becomes roadblocked for that day, and has to hope for RNG to be in their favour.

Whilst the contract may exist for a week, If a player plans to come home, have a crack at the mission then log off… it is disheartening for the mission to not be available.

Proposed Solution
Availability of having a chance at completing any objective should always be there for any player.

(1) Change to: “Complete secondary objectives”
(2) Change to: “Complete secondary objectives with a difficulty mission” && On mission refresh ensure there is an appropriate tier mission available, or create one.
(3) Keep the contract, but ensure on mission refresh that if the contract is live, ensure a mission which fits the criteria is available, and if not, create one.

With these conditions, the player will always have the availability to try to complete or progress the weekly contract.

Essentially a player’s progress should never be roadblocked by RNG. This just leads to frustration and dissatisfaction in a product. Difficulty of tasks is separate to Availability of tasks.