Primary action button during quelling changes to melee weapon

Issue Description:

When holding the “Reload Weapon” button to quell as a Psyker, when using Staff or be in Brain Burst mode, and using the “Primary Action” button during the quell will result in a switch to the melee weapon followed by an immediate light attack.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Have Staff equipped or be in Brain Burst mode
  2. Hold “Reload Weapon” button as Psyker when having Peril to quell
  3. Use “Primary Attack” button when still quelling
  4. See how the “Primary Attack” button use switches from Staff/Brain Burst to your melee weapon with a followed light attack.


Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

User flagged the issue to us as a keybinding issue, marking NAB.