Abnormally long weapon swap Psyker

Issue Description:
There is an abnormally long period when swapping from a melee weapon to brain burst on the psyker under certain conditions.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play Psyker.
  2. Use weapon Duelling Sword.
  3. Do 1 or 3 light attacks.
  4. Spam (brain burst hotkey) during your last swing to swap to Brain burst or ranged weapon at the earliest possible time.
  5. The game feels unresponsive because it isn’t equipping brain burst.
  6. Now try the same thing with exactly 2 light attacks and you can see that the swap is instant.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[Not applicable]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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I’ve noticed this same issue with staves and posted a similar bug report ; turns out the switch to Brainburst is bugged in general and has no input buffer, nor does it allow any animation canceling (unlike the quick switch between melee and ranged).

They have not acknowledged any of this as bugs yet. I hope it’s not intended…

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It would be pretty sad if it’s intended, I have also noticed it with staves but haven’t had time to find out how to reproduce it.

Tried playing it like Conflagration staff Sienna (Vermintide 2) push, dodge back and stagger attack on staff.

That’s when I first noticed that it felt very unresponsive in some scenarios.