Pox hounds modifier

so a group of adults that we susepct can dress themselves feed themselves and find paid employment actually sat around a table and had a conversation around htese lines?

1 “hmm pox hounds?”
2 “the disablers with wonky dodge and push mechanics that leap up in the air warp around and are the least / finished polished mobs in the game?”
1 “yeah!”
3 "ooo ooo lets spawn packs of them! "
1 “but not at set points lets make it random!”
2 “close enough for government work! lunch?”

and that was it… nobody who came up with or discussed the idea or entered it into the game had any reservations about this choice?

are you still hiring?


Funny enough all my pox hound modifier games on heresy felt more like pre order beta high intensity heresy. Didn’t exactly feel like dog spawns were increased. We did always get them in twos tho. That was on hab dreyko investigation.