Positive discrimination is needed for console players and I know how to do it

Next time you can just ask without really unnecessary preamble if you don’t understand something, it’s fine, I understand.

The logic is that all skill trees based on player accuracy, so when you pick + weakspot damage and you are on mouse and keyboard you gain more out of it just because of hardware you’re using. In other words I would say using m&k is giving you increased finesse for free, since targeting with mouse is very different to targeting.with gamepad. And you have twice or even triple the freedom of movement and interaction.

For example you have the ability to sprint, jump, use perk, mark enemy, change weapon, rotate camera 360 degrees, shoot your weapon while in ads - simultaneously. In realistic scenario you will be doing maybe half of it at a time.

On gamepad you can maybe three of it and many of these require two button presses instead of one. Realistically 90% of the player base won’t even be able to rotate camera and dash.

Using alternative layout which is unusual for the majority of players is better, still you won’t be able to move and mark enemy at once or rotate camera and change weapon.

These two categories of players are playing in the same space with the same difficulty.

Now, and I am saying it without sarcasm, explain me how it is fair.

And when a gamepad player succeed he is given the same rewards as m&k player. I don’t think this is fair. Maybe if m&k player will be using half of his fingers it will be fair.

I would disagree here. Autoaim while It’s better than nothing is implemented cheaply so to speak. It’s basically sticks to enemy’s bounding box, so if you have cursor close to the head but not exactly on the head, it’ s very hard to actually aim because this auroaim thing constantly tries to keep your crosshair on that specific spot.

It also takes camera control out of players hands, it slows down near enemies so trying to turn in a moshpit is pain in the kark.

The best autoaim practice to date that I’ve seen is in remedy’s control - the camera is absolutely free so you point in general direction and game makes you bullets go into the enemy. If you’re closer to the head then they will go into the head, the same for other parts. But the camera is completely free of artificial control and you feel like being in charge.

So instead of game trying to stick to the sniper far away I want it to let me aim on my own the best I could and then help me to actually hit the target if I am close enough.

And also please check my previous answer to another fellow reject where I explain that good aim is really not the full picture.

Let’s take Arnold as an example. So Arnold and a 10 year old kid competing in making the most pull ups. Both do like 20. Who wins?

no contest here, arnold.

first pull ups are a bodyweight exercise, so a 10 year old has what? 20-25 kg? by that comparison arnie 20x 120, kiddo 20x 25.

that one kid in the early 2000s, roided to the gills… yeah that was something else :slight_smile:

second lets make it a rep to failure session, so what would be an estimated max? 50?100? a ten year old doing 100 pullups? wheres the link to the video?

third make it a weight contest: dead lifts or cable pull down with plates or stacks… guess 10 year old moves the bar from the floor at best.

now if the 10 year old eats,sleeps and trains well, given hormones and all coming in with puberty, so heavy lifting prior is rather detrimental, has no injuries so far, then yeah he could be on to something by his early 20s.

no matter how you put it, in the grand scheme of things, only the performance at the very top brings the whole further, not some mid level participation.

besides, i dont recall any 10year old mr olympia, so that “achievement” was the whole point behind the metaphor

Reading your next try I’m pretty sure I understand, it’s just that what you are trying to argue is crazy.

There are several equipment you can use to increase your in-game efficiency ranging from having better hardware, bigger monitors, mechanical keyboards, and more precise mouse to highly specialized equipment (there are some incredibly weird keyboards out there for gaming).

While the equipment used does allow for better/faster/more precise input monitoring and readjusting game difficulty/rewards based on equipment used is just crazy.

I do understand that gamepad aiming is harder and for that reason aim assist is commonly used to increase general enjoyment in basically every shooter title… To increase enjoyment and not to be some kind of leg up compared to someone using a mouse.

If someone wants to have an edge (including console players) they can just use better equipment. AFAIK a mouse and keyboard are available on to console, people can choose to use them if they want to.

From a health angle, there are sometimes things that can be done, like games usually having colorblind mode, but introducing numerical bonuses or increased rewards sounds strange and a nightmare to monitor and balance (coming from your “fairness” argument).

You said you can’t use the mouse and keyboard due to health reasons, but what about someone who is completely or partially deaf in this game where attack sounds, directional sound, and such are a major part of gameplay and balance? Should they get a bonus too? How would you even begin to balance this to be “fair” for all players?

I’m generally in support of accessibility options when it doesn’t take away from the general design of the game (thank god Souls doesn’t have an easy mode), but what you are asking for sounds entitled and dumb to me.

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I can’t outswim Michael Phelps. He has an ape index of 1.052, big hands, and generates less lactic acid. I should be able to take an underwater scooter to compete against him. Not allowing me to use an underwater scooter when timing my laps is ableist.

Anyways, it would be bad idea to put in boosts to gamepad users because there would also be people who just spoof having a gamepad. I can’t imagine it would be hard. It’s already done in some games where people do that to enable auto-aim while using KBM.

I’m currently seeing you can in fact get gyro on Xbox though its unofficial, but it seems to work. Not sure if there needs to be support from the game itself for it work though.

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Then Bungie separating players who run games at 30 and 60 fps because of clear advantage of the latter is just crazy. Noted. Also changing difficulty depending on the region, a well known practice, is it crazy too? In real world equipment limitations is a basis for balance. Try playing at 30 fps with a gamepad and tell me how are your results now. By your logic any boxing world champion cannot be considered a champion until they beat heavyweight champion, because everyone should be judged the same. What you’re saying is non-existent in the world. When it comes to psysical sports women play separately from Men because they equipped with lower level physique so to speak. F1 racing has so much hardware limitations just because the bolide is at least 50% of a victory.

You really didn’t understand the whole picture. Aim is just a portion of a problem. The other limitation of a gamepad is the rest of it.

The support is very limited. Though on this specific game you can use it but again you’re missing the point. And many console users cannot do that, everyone who used console can understand this fact.

Of course they should get some kind of adjustments not specifically a buff but a visual clues maybe though I would consider it as a small buff too. But in this case it’s not a buff but it’s them getting the same chances as the other players. Equipped with ears if that makes sense.

How would you balance this to be fair? Easy. Just like the game is balanced around normally. And specifically on this argument, is it unnecessary to help disabled people? Idk what to say really.

This is the main point, you don’t understand what accessibility is. It is not an easy switch for you to take advantage of. It’s for those people who needs it. I have hard time understanding your point advocating removing accessibility options so you will have no temptation to use it.

Colorblind accessibility options sometimes highlights enemies in red and loot in green. If someone who has a bad vision can use this to see better, should you disable achievements for him?

So in the very same manner if someone is having an incomparable equipment in a game without PvP, should he get the same difficulty environment as you are? I’ll repeat what I mean by incomparable:

How a gamepad user, a controller of choice for most of the players since it’s mandatory for console usage and it’s bundled with a console, how he can have the same environment considering the game is tweaked in such a way right now that four novice console players will be inferior to four novice PC players?

It’s the other way around too, like original RE4 release on PC, it was so bad to the point many players couldn’t run from the very first boulder in a qte. Later the game was re-released with a better controls and 360 gamepad support instead of DirectInput.

Maybe it would be better to limit it to the console version, you can’t spoof anything there or even add mods.

But again, see how you shift topic from the people who needs it to the PC players who can make advantage of it? The thing should be implemented and fixing some PC players behavior is completely another topic. It’s the same as saying that shorter skirts provoke men [removed by the inquisition] women and thus banning wearing them.

And honestly, like there is anything that PC players won’t take advantage of. There is always such a person.

$70 for having a chance of equality? It’s also not really a fix for anything, any game having mandatory deadzone on sticks renders the thing unusable. I can get into the details here but in short it’s not a native gyro support with all the consequences.

But hey, it’s better than nothing right? That’s the field in which console players live xD

And then there are people raging about $40 cosmetics. An unfair price, have low income? Just don’t buy it. The same goes with console players treatment - can’t be on par with other players - just don’t play it.

I would actually pay for some things console related, like at least give me an option to rebind buttons.

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All console players get a free pumpkin! Problem solved!

Another classic Microsoft L
These guys just can’t stop losing. Tilt controls have been a thing forever in their competitors. You can play Mario Kart on Nintendo with it.

When Nintendo has got the technological edge on you as a high tech company, you know you lost.
When will Microsoft finally leave Gaming? They have no business here.

I’m going to steer clear of this discussion otherwise, but I think it’s helpful to consider equality vs equity - given the OP’s circumstances, it feels fairly applicable. Just another perspective to consider things from

Reality/liberation can be ignored in this case, I didn’t realise they were in the pic when I grabbed it from google

As for a good way to level the playing field so that you can play to your skill level rather than your hardware constraints, I have no idea.

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Their strategy is a service, not a console or PC. I think their endgame is cloud service in their own infrastructure with access from any device imaginable. So I don’t expect any gimmicks from them while Sony and Nintendo shaping the gaming right now.

But being an Xbox user right now is frustrating experience. At least we got Darktide xD

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Yes, equity is what I basically mean. And half of this thread is about “just grow legs”.

And it’s probably the very same people who cries about how console players get more aquilas.

But that’s fine, most people advocate for things they benefit from. What’s not fine is when the guy on the left on the picture is now less satisfied once the guy on the right gets equity.

Diference between the picture and reality is that things such as skill level, performance, thinking and so on can be changed. It’s why the picture is a fallacious pile of feel-good-signalling.


Damn, what did you do to my bro? He looks rough!


You’re right, though about Microsoft!

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