Pls disable the ability to rejoin the match we just left

nothing more annoying then rejoining a failing mission we just left just to fail it again and waste our time. there is a reason we leave matches


Go to character selection and it will not rejoin the last match but I am using mods to load right into character selection screen with the psych-ward mod

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Ay man, Iā€™ll take that free loot from em goobers.

Justā€¦ donā€™t rejoin it?


Iā€™d rather it happens to you after you leave a mission at the end, than it happens to me after you leave it. Infact I hope the game intentionally puts you back in there so nobody else has to suffer through loadscreens just to load into the fail screen. YOU should be the one that happens to

I think theyā€™re talking about leaving manually (rather than crashing or al-f4-ing).

If you leave it manually, you can unintentionally re-join via the QP queue or by queueing for the same mission on the board.

Yeah, because of the various buckets and funneling in the matchmaking, youā€™ll naturally look like a good candidate to rejoin a match through the quickplay queue, since it probably put you in that game initially as you were a good fit. Unfortunate, but at the same time Iā€™m not sure I want ease of service for players party-ditching to be a priority. Thereā€™s reasons for it, but OPā€™s reason isnā€™t a good one.

The alternative is, that someone who does not want to be with the party, is repeatedly put back with the party. Which is bad for that person.
And the party gets no new player for quite some time, because the person who does not want to be there, is repeatedly being brought back. Which is bad for the rest of the party.

There are only downsides to the way it works now.

If youā€™re votekicked, youā€™re automagically prevented from rejoining. If someone is sulking because theyā€™re finding it difficultā€¦ thatā€™s a different proposition altogether, and more an issue with the player.

There ARE currently options to reset the queue and, in fact, simply taking a few minutes break (or putting a player onto your ignore list) will solve the vast majority of cases where thereā€™s (in purely my own personal opinion) ā€œlegitimateā€ grievance to leave a match. But as I said, catering to someone whose internal dialog runs something like ā€œOMG U GUYZ SUX NUBā€ (interpreted from someone describing it as a ā€œfailing missionā€) and them quitting out of a losing match early instead of trying to cooperate and/or help, isnā€™t something I can muster any support for.

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Not sure why Iā€™m enabling this but here goes. The trick to avoiding the previous mission is to put someone in that group on your block list. You wonā€™t get grouped with them again.

Remember to unblock them later!

Those are not proper solutions to the problem.
They are work arounds, which should not be necessary.

Would you want to muster support for the party that was already struggling, and which is now down 1 player for multiple minutes, because the same person who does not want to be there, is repeatedly being loaded in?

ā€œNo man died in the Emperorā€™s service that died in vainā€

Just fulfill your duty - if you abandon your brothers and sisters then you are a mere heretic

ā€œOnly the coward seeks compromiseā€


What Iā€™d want is someone who bails on two missions back to back to get a thirty minute sit on the naughty step, and for better attitudes towards cooperative teamplay to be the norm instead of the exception. But since I canā€™t fix society in one video game, Iā€™ll stick with simply being the best me I can and playing with who they give me. And weā€™ll learn and maybe just pull through, or be better next time.

Andā€¦ yes, it is a work-around, but itā€™s a workaround that makes both logical sense and solves the problem, so yes it is also a solution. Itā€™s not a native one, perhaps, but it solves the problem.

Unless the inconvenience for the quitting player is more important to you, than the opportunity for the other 3 players to get a new teammate, there is no argument against implementing the function that OP asked for.

If you want better attitudes to cooperative teaplay to be the norm instead of the exception, you might want to hit anyone who does not play well, with a temp ban from the auric playlist. Those players clearly expect to be carried, and accept that they might drag everyone else down with them.

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Itā€™s almost like Auric difficulty would be better played in a premade group and thinking the quickplay queue for such is, at best, a workaround.

Now, Iā€™m sorry Auric difficulty hurt you. Would you like a hug?

An attentive reader might have noticed, that my main argument for OPā€™s suggestion was, that it is for the benefit of those who do not leave the party.
You clearly did not.

Now if you could be a bit more impartial, and stop making emotional arguments/personal attacks, that would be great.

Soā€¦ Is this the point where you actually connect Auric mode with anything else mentioned in this thread? Or are you just going to be a hypocrite and make attacks while calling out posts as being attacks?

As a new player i must say there is absolute no information on when you should tackle which difficulty.

I did my first Tier 1 missions and i had to ask in chat likeā€¦ when is it normal to do tier2 missions or does it even matter and its just a matter of player skill and i got an answer stating: ā€œits ok to do tier missions from lvl 1ā€ so im doing tier2 missions now but i still dont know when i should go to tier3.

Now there are only 2 ways for a new player to find that out:

  1. Ask around and wait for a proper reply

  2. Just que up and go for it and eventually die a horrible death

The restrictions so far i saw are Auric (Trust lvl 30) and Maelstrom (Trust lvl 15)

So a person below lvl 30 cannot do Auric missions means they reached it somehow and those you call ā€œlow skill parasitesā€ - did you ever try to communicate or try to teach them? Have you ever land a hand or did you stay silently in anger?

So it is the endgame area, where you should obviously not go with random people otherwise you will have a random experience. Itā€™s like playing roulette, you just bet on your luck and spin, if you dont like what you get, Socialize, team up, group up.

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Hmmm, asks where he attacks other people, dares me to comment, then calls players ā€˜parasitesā€™ more than once before claiming heā€™s not toxic or anything.

Ladies and gentlemen, should I?

Yes, please.
But without making things up, and without taking me out of context.