I never mentioned this because I rarely play Ogryn and this is one of the reasons. Why do they have only 3 guns when other classes have much more available playstyles?
I can’t imagine how boring the class is. Other classes have choices of less damage but fast reload, or high damage but slow reload, or high headshot damage, and so on you name it.
Why don’t you give Ogryn something with less damage and more fluidity like a machine gun that doesn’t require 3 business days to reload and 2 business days to equip? I don’t need 100 bullets a round. Sure it looks cool (in the design standpoint) to blast everything with it. And for the love of nuts, they do blast everything with it regardless of how easy it is to kill those adds with melee instead.
Sure the launchers and Ripper guns have decent reload but their amo are so limited. And you know what? Those mini gunners annoy Ogryns and they don’t have other means to deal with it. So they shoot those gunners one by one with a grenade launcher. Basically use half of their max amo to kill 10 mini gunners.
Moreover, Ripper guns are so bad at distance that you have to burn quite a lot of amo to take something down, and not like the class has great gap closing capability either. And that adds up to the problem of Ogryns stealing all the amo in the map. I have never seen a class burns their amo from white to red as often as Ogryn.
if they pose that much of a nuisance, try the shield with aggro taunt to make em stop immediately, switch to melee and engage you close quarter.
slide dodging is a virtual life saver and a “natural” means to traverse medium to large distances without getting a scratch.
does it look silly? sure, but if its an ingame mechanic and effective, i use it to my advantage.
plus adding the low cooldown on bullrush, its my main means of controlling any major engagement and the reason i don’t even consider packing different ults.
the mobility it gives is just to good, not to mention crowd control.
and while i have no objections against more firearms for oggys, the painted scenario doesn’t apply to every build.
most of the time i use my mobility with my karsolas to engage any gunner close, that isnt on a balcony or behind another vertical obstacle.
kickback on the other hand gives the option to delete whole clusters of em at once and oneshot scab/dreg (shot)gunners up close.
ripper was my main gun for a damn long time and especially V had no problems counter-sniping to get them red dots outta my face.
oggy isnt meant to constantly engage long range, he can briefly, harass and interrupt enemies to shape the engagement in his favor, nor (with the exception of clandestium first open room) are there maps without any cover to retreat to.
Feel free to comment about how to play Ogryn. This post is about, yes, the limited option of firearms for Ogryns. And how it impacts the behavior and playstyle of a lot of Ogryn players. And additionally, the range capability and fun other classes have over Ogryn.
3? I am counting 2. Grenade Gauntlet and Rumbler. The Kickback is no Grenade Launcher, its a shotgun.
Ogryn needs more weapons in general, not just guns.
There would be some quite fun options there. They could take inspiration from the GSC and give the Ogryn Heavy Mining equipment, drills, saws and crushers.
Like who wouldn’t want to murder enemies with a reverse jaws of life?
And instead of a Lascannon they could give them a Heavy Mining Laser. Or how about a Heavy Rivet Cannon?
All of these are either GSC Heavy equipment or from Necromunda Hive Gangs. So no complaints about “you wouldn’t hand an Ogryn some sacred technology”… we could very well stick to the repurposed theme and give a few more weapons with visual and audio interest to the Ogryn.
Edit: House Goliath weaponry in particular would be a nice flavor for the Ogryn.
I do agree that it would be fun to get more weapons on Ogryn, but…
I kinda feel that this is just overlooking the ability for players to close the gap to ranged units and engage them in melee.
Ripper MkV is really good at taking out long range targets with hipfire.
Sliding forward for the Emperor! Shield with the Attention Seeker talent or Cleaver MkIV with Confident Strike blessing will help alot against ranged units.
Just wading into the fray to slap heretics around is deeply satisfying!
You made a good point and I do agree to some extent. I’m not saying they can’t. But I view it in comparison to other classes. Zealot, Vet, and Psyker have more tools to deal with both short and far distance when it comes to range weapon. They can play more freely and build more freely.
The class 3 different blitz allow them to play different range weapons without compensating much. For example, if one wants to run Purgatus staff, they can pick brainburst to deal with enemies from a far.
If one wants to run flame thrower or double barrel shotgun, they can pick knife throwing blitz to deal with enemies from a far. Not to mention their gap closer and speed is way better.
No need to mention. So many choices.
My point isn’t about Ogryns can’t deal with range enemies, it’s just not as well rounded as other classes when it comes to mix and match weps and builds. It’s very limited to a small pool of options.
If you enjoy the current options and your playstyle, it’s totally fine. But I do think the class needs more options.
True. While you CAN deal with enemies at range, for Ogryn its better to take out key targets while closing the gap to engage in melee.
Having a small pool of weapons to choose from is something that does impact build variety.
I do too. It could use a few more weapons, both for melee and ranged to spice up the gameplay.
Also, while I can’t speak for everyone. I have always felt that the limiting amount of ammo given to Ogryns ranged weapon was a design choice by Fatshark, and Burst Limit Override was supposed to alleviate it so that there was a clear distinction between running a gunlugger and melee ogryn.
Great Ogryns think alike! but perhaps I should’ve read the thread before responding.
Ogryn needs more kit, but being outside the general design of the game is what’s most fun about him and probably why they haven’t added any guns for him yet. Its a lot harder to think of a role for ranged on a character who already destroys the melee side balance disregarding all enemies like the puny snivelers they are.
It’s ogryn’s best long range weapon, better than the kickback.
Many an ogryn would be better off equipping it vs the KB in their loadout, it gives them both long range AND anti-armor w/ can-opener.
P.S. There are only 2 ripper marks, the II and V; VI is an illusion.
I actually like it.
With the right blessings it can one-Shot Muties.
Most Special and Elites take max 2 shots.
It’s very acurate for an Ogryn-weapon.
Downside for me is the long reload, but most of the time it’s my “Ogryn revolver” and that really works well for me.
Cool would be a larger stagger-radius so you could CC better to close the gap, but I’m certain, theres is not one single weapon where folks wouldn’t find a thing to optimize (ok… besides revolver).
I agree to more Ogryn ranged weapons would be nice, but as I’m quite lore enthusiastic I allways keep being reminded that Ogryns aren’t known to be good shots, so they are mostly spray’n’pray and rip the rest appart with bare fists or beating the enemy to death with what is at hand (mostly those emptied guns )
Mk VI RG can be usefull in some builds as it conserves ammo as most enemies on short range either die at 2 shots from any of them or you need more which can be delivered more controlled. But in all fairness I run the Mk V most of times.