I heard the limit of item advancement was plasteel in the previous versions. Now, it is diamantine. I suggest to change the reward from skulls OR heretic idol shooting to diamantine so the gap is narrower. The old players have everything, so it doesn’t matter much for them.
I agree with this completely/have been debating on making a post like this for a while.
And this is with me ‘saving’ so that I can at least have a weapon or two ready in reserve if I REALLY want to make something.
1.2k hours and counting, Plasteel used to be the bottleneck, but was basically fully alleviated by the totems and skulls. That felt nice, but now in the new system, it costs half as much Diamantine as it does Plasteel to ‘Empower’ a weapon.
This on top of the fact that it no longer costs either of these materials to change perks and blessings results in this absolute cluster of resource pains. You get at best 1/3rd (usually 1/4th as people tend to still skip out on going for resources unless you do it yourself) the amount of Diamantine as plasteel in any given match, but you spend twice that amount when empowering in diamantine, resulting in one’s plasteel gains bloating to the nines if they want to run around with multiple fully maxed out weapons, and the problem only exacerbates itself the more you engage with the system.
I’d encourage at the very least splitting the totems to give half diamantine half plasteel, if not just fully making it into diamantine. It would go back to encourage one to shoot the totems again, place an emphasis on skulls for those that need it to get a nice chunk of plasteel gains at the beginning of their game time, and allow that diamantine defecate to be offset.
Some form of temporary capability to convert plasteel into diamantine before this change is implemented would be nice to (just so I’m not sitting here with forever 100k+ plasteel more than diamantine…), but that isn’t ‘needed’ I just feel it would be nice.
It appears old players don’t have diamantine either.
I have still plenty… But I was looting.
It appears a lot of players refuse to loot… So what expecting when you don’t loot? You run out of resources faster than the ones that collected them.
Anyways, the balance between both is not well suited. They have to do something as we, again, run in a resource too abundant and one that is too rare.
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