Pinning fire, brutal momentum and boltgun

Yeah, maybe if Caxe wouldn’t one-shot everything on Zealot after like 2 strikes, and you had to aim for the head it would be better. Just look at the current breakpoints and tell me if it matches Legend or Cata… I’d say it matches Legend more.

Fatshark might already have the numbers. The current ones are pretty precise.

No, it’s not. You go down in a few seconds on Cata, especially on a squishy. Things hurt. Here… It’s nothing like that, especially on something like Zealot or an Ogryn.

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In VT2 it is nothing like that, especially on something like zealot or ironbreaker…

Aside from all that, in VT2 cata it is much easier not to get downed in the first place (basically no ranged units, so you can fight where you want and if sb gets downed, you can revive them with some simple stagger to surrounding melee units).

What’s your argument for not changing it? Is the damage balanced, the ammo or what?

After slightly considering giving some numbers, I’d say let’s not totally derail this thread and agree to disagree on this one.

How about simply changing the blessing around. Give BM to a weapon that needs it more and remove it from the axe. Give pinning to a braced gun or a Helbore or something. No nerfs.

The weapon’s drawbacks balance out it’s power well. It’s not overperforming or underperforming. It has good alternatives.


That is a nerf.


Uff… Braced gun is already one of the best ranged weapons in the game, pinning fire would just break it completely.


It’s not a nerf to the axe itself no. It’s still the same axe without s crutch.

Also, braced gun already has Deathsplitter and Fire Frenzy.

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Well let’s agree to disagree then. I say the game should require skill and not rely on overpowered blessings that literally carries a weapon away.
We’ll just have to see what fatshark decides about this matter.

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This statement is free of logic.

You are trying to argue that a weapon in combination with a certain blessing is “too strong”.
Your “solution” is to remove that blessing from the weapon in order to make it less strong.
Somehow this is not a nerf to the weapon?

Staying consistent with your “logic”, adding strong blessings to other weapons, would also not count as buff to those weapons.


Nerf BB, Ripper gun, and Stubber am I right?


Mate, please stop, you are scaring me lol. Every time a weapon is nerfed it loses its crown as “king”, and that frees up the next in line to become the next king, continuing the cycle. I don’t mind BM axe getting nerfed, I mind that they’ll then find something else to advocate against.


Does not compute.


Pinning fire is only available on two weapons: the shredder autopistol and the boltgun.

The shredder autopistol performs well but also has significant weaknesses: effective range and carapace armor.
The gun is pretty much garbage without pinning fire. Nerfing pinning fire on this weapon, would require a comparable buff to the weapon’s base stats to compensate.
The gun is not overused at all, so imo no sign of overperformance.

Regarding Pinning Fire on the boltgun:

Nerfing the blessing to nerf the gun’s peak performance, ok (gun might overperform a bit; it has basically no weakness aside from low ready speed and reload speed).
Nerfing the blessing to increase build diversity, pointless.

If pinning fire is nerfed into the ground, nobody uses it anymore (and everyone uses one of the 2 defensive blessings instead)
If pinning fire is not nerfed into the ground, everyone will still use it because it will still be one of the top 2 options to increase damage

Long explanation regarding boltgun:

Unless the blessing is nerfed so hard into the ground that it does effectively nothing, nerfing it, will not change anything in regard to which blessings are picked.

The Boltgun has access to the following blessings that increase damage output:
Pinning fire (power from staggering)
Cavalcade (crit build up while firing)
Surgical (builds crit stacks while aiming, uses them on next shot)
Shattering impact (brittleness)

Surgical is a garbage blessing for any weapon that shoots fast, and should only be available for stuff like helbore lasguns (long range weapons with charged shots or low firerate).
This means that the Boltgun effectively has 3 blessings that increase the damage output.
Cavalcade T4 stacks up to +20% cc (5x 4%). The boltgun has a crit multiplier of around 1.3x. A 20% extra chance to deal ~30% extra damage is an average dmg increase of ~ 6% (0.2 x 0.3 = 0.06) once the blessing is fully stacked up.
As long as there are no special interactions with critical hits, the extra damage is all that they do.

This leaves only two blessings and therefore one choice, if you want to build your boltgun for max damage: Pinning fire and Shattering impact.
Even if pinning fire was nerfed by a lot, it would likely still be a top pick for the boltgun.
Until it is nerfed so hard that it has effectively no value at all, where it would not be picked at all anymore, and likely be replaced with Inspiring barrage or Gloryhunter.

All of that said, i think that there should be no more significant balance changes made in the game, until we have the option to upgrade our item modifiers to 100% as well as having free choice to swap both perks and both blessings.


so… i mean your right there are often more than one thing wrong and we do tend to focus the conversation on the outlier but whats the solution? each balance move affects the global balance, so do we stop altogether or just do a whole heap of balancing at once?

but i think the discourse here is different, PS basically had people just stating it was outright the best by a long way and in every regard , clearly broken , and a few people over invested in ruining the reputation of thier opinion trying to claim its low dodge range balanced it.

but the chat here is different, theres a range of responses and thoughts, its not as big an issue as the PS thats clear. so id say progress has been made

While you might find that the increase spawn of specials are boring, I feel the same about increasing the damage and health of enemies. Giving said enemies more health and damage will not change how you go about facing them, you’ll still use crowd control, dodges and sliding to avoid taking damage in the first place. It will however put more pressure on underperforming weapons and most likely push more people to run the same loadout.

I’d rather see changes to the loadouts on enemies, such as perhaps giving pistols to assault groups, grenades, ballistic shields or even change around which armour they have so that you might have to go about facing them in a different manner. Having more restriction on resources and time, so that you can’t just play it safe all the time would also give it a more fast paced experience.

Nothing in this game needs nerfed, dozens (if not hundreds) of things in this game need buffed. Most guns need more ammo, better blessings, more damage, and/or more cleave. Many talents for the classes in this game are horrible and useless. Much of the class design choices paralyze what builds and weapons in this game are viable. Players desperately need more options for build diversity, and removing items that perform does the complete opposite of that.

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Brutal momentum is a good blessing… but not really too strong
Pinning fire, same

Boltgun without pinning fire is really strong… a little too strong if we compare to the others weapons. BUT, at the same time, a boltgun has to remain a boltgun. I said several times what is my concern about this gun.

Back to the question of blessings.
That’s not cause there are lot of useless blessing that the few that are good have to be transformed as useless also.
If something has to be balanced, it is the weapons…
We had a discussion about CA. I agree that CA should have a weakness. For Boltgun, it has also to have its weakness.
I think it should be precision at long range. Several said it should be not that. Ok. Then, what?
Cause this is not ammos. Revolver is one of the worst weapon (i loved, but now I can see it is a bad weapon… it has one role, “sniping” but lot of weapons can do it better and with more useful uses) and has less ammo than a boltgun. A shotgun has also less and less power…
So ammos of the boltgun is not a weakness. Actually it “is” the reloading time, but this is not a big weakness. So maybe increase the reloading time?