Perks that increase damages of weak spot / critics

There was reports about errors of how was applied several perks:

  • weak spot damages
  • critic hit damage

These perks exist for ranged and for melee.
To explain how it works, let’s take an example.
Your weapon does a damage of 200 as a base. The weapon does 220 on weak spot. If you have a perk of +25% for weak spot damages, your weapon will do, as damages on a weak spot:
220 + ((220 - 200) x 25%) = 225

If you had used a perk, like +25% unyielding (replace by what you want), your weapon would had done as damage:
normal: 200 + (200 x 25%) = 250
weak spot: 220 + (200 x 25%) = 270

Explanation of devs is here:

Now, let’s discuss about that… and let’s begin by a poll

Do you agree with the calculation of the perks weak spot damages and critic hit damages? In another words, do you want it stays like that?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
What would you opt for if you could decide how to calculate it:
  • Perks should impact the total of the damages done so for the example 220 + (220 *25%) = 275)
  • Perks should impact the total of the damages done but bonus should be similar of the ones for damages specialist or elite (max +10%)
  • I don’t want that they change that
0 voters
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A failure in game design is writting text that does not reflect that happens in practice.

Fatshark is a specialist when it comes to being hyper obscure about game mechanics (took me two years to understand how VT damage works)

The game REALLY needs an ingame compendium.

Another thing is game jargon, which isn’t always consistent or meaning what the mechanic does, like weak spot damage
(I still don’t know why we have +%power and +% dmg for example)

That Headshot boost should be written “Increase the bonus damage of a weakspot hit by +35%”
And even that’s not great because it’s not… STRAIGHT FORWARD.


Power = damages + stagger
Damage = only damages

This makes me think I could have added the option to keep same system with better bonus. But tbh, to make them viable, I think we would need monstrous bonus

When you have a perk giving you 75% power, another giving you 50% dmg,
Having one that gives you 35% of 10% of your damage feels like a joke hahaha

Power gives cleave as well, but for 90% of weapons it’s less useful because of the hardcoded damage cleave cap.

the same system exists in vt2, and literally everybody thought it was stupid there too. Good luck getting them to change it.

i decided pretty quickly to ignore these perks with crit/weakspot damage because i tried them out and they were not worth it imo. i just go for 25% damage on whatever i need because its reliable.
I choose the types i meet the most so eventually you do much more dmg and thats what counts i guess.
For my Antax for example i take 25% Flak and unarmoured and it feels good, the most enemies are like that imo. with t4 brutal momentum + t4 headtaker or decimator everything is melting anyways.
I tried the crit and weakspot config and were not happy with it, even with “shred”.
the dps on my goto config is much higher, tested it in the meatgrinder several times to see clear numbers.

Oh waow thanks for the tip i’m gonna straight away remove those useless perks from my weapons!!! x)


Exactly. The way how these perks work make them totally useless. We have already several useless perks (exp, curio etc.). But here they could correct the situation to make them useful.

Yes, surely. I would say that it is not VT2 and that we can try.

Only template I use shread on a combat axe is a zealot with critic feats. If there was not the feats, it would be pointless to use shred.

You are mixing up perks and blessings

I’m not saying you can’t try. I’m saying good luck with trying because people have been telling them that it sucks for several years already and it’s far from a new issue. I’m all for the change. Fight the good fight, just don’t come in with expectations.


Thanks for the support :+1:

Maybe if enough come here… who knows?
We don’t ask them to fundamentaly change their game…

Fatshark is notorious for spaghetti coding hahaha

If they do anything, it would likely be numbers adjustments on specific weapons and talents rather than changing the underlying mechanics of their bucket-based damage system. There really, really, realllyyyy does need to be a change though. I made a comment in a thread a month or two ago about how they would need to boost the crit or headshot multiplier an order of magnitude to be competitive with the flat damage weapon perks.

The post that you responded to, did not mix up anything.
Did you mean to respond to your own post where you mixed them up by referencing to both blessings and perks as perks?

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Ah my bad then :slight_smile: