Melee Weak Spot Damage is either bugged or misleading

So I personally think this is a bug that should be addressed.
I tested this in the meat grinder on damnation difficulty.

These numbers are consistent non-crit weakspot damage on a flak armored dude.

  • With sprint efficiency we get 598 damage over and over.
  • With Melee Weak Spot Damage +10% we get 613 over and over.
  • The diference is a paltry 15 damage.

Maybe my college education has failed me but 10% of 598 is 59.8 not 15. Perhaps they use a different formula? Maybe they use the base numbers vs flak armored we see 430 damage, 10% of 430 is 43 damage. Nope thats not it…

The only thing i can come up with is that they take weakspot damage, minus the non weakspot damage which in this case for my axe is 130, and 10% of that is 13 which is close, probably add the modifier to penetration and we get this number of 15

so Melee Weakspot IV does not give you 10% of your melee weakspot hits. it gives you (Weakspot-Body)*10% which is is 75% less than what we should be getting from this perk.

or we can just go with +20% damage vs an armor types like always…


This has been known for a while.
Weakspot damage only increases the damage of the weakspot bonus. The same is true for the crit damage

So hypothetically, if you have an attack value of base 200 and a headshot makes it 300, then +10% will give you 10 extra damage because of 100 weakspot bonus damage 10% is 10.
That means the overall damage is then 310.

This damage formula was also in all the tide games and the end result is Weakspot and Critical Damage stacking being kind of useless, unless you can get some obscene numbers in a build like +50% or such. Then it might be worth it, but also not really because you can alternatively get 25% raw base damage on any enemy type you desire.

And that 25% is all inclusive. You get it for your crits, for your weak spot hits, for body shots. Everything.

TL;DR: Ditch Weakspot Damage and Critical Damage. Only base damage or crit chance are worth it.



Fatshark makes it so there’s two types of damage buffs: damage type buffs and damage hit buffs.

The former is stuff like ‘critical damage’, ‘weakspot damage’, et cetera.

The latter is ‘on critical hit’, ‘on weakspot hit’, etc.

The latter is vastly more powerful but for some reason they think the former is a good thing to add instead.

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