Issue Description:
The +8% Weakpoint and +8% Critical damage increase perks actually give around +5% increase.
*Steps to Reproduce:
- Play Psyker
- Pick a Force Sword with +8% weakpoint damage or a Combat Blade with +8% critical damage
- Go into the Meat Grinder (Damnation)
- Compare damage values you get versus the ones listed and multiply the listed values by 1.08
- Observe that the results do not match, your damage is actually lower than what you would expect, I.E. if the Force Sword has 236 listed against flak weakpoint and you go hit a Scab Gunner’s head, the actual damage number is 272 (rounded up?). 272/236 = 1.15, so that’s +10% from the passive aura vs elites and +5% from the perk instead of 236 * 1.18 = 278.48 which should show 278 or 279.
This seems to be consistent across multiple enemies. Note that some specials take triple melee damage, which results in a coefficient of around 3.15, tripling the +5% bonus damage for a +15% total of the listed value. For these one would expect to have +24% so 3.24 instead.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
The Meat Grinder (Damnation)
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
16th December 2022
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
I have a Google sheet if you need but reproducing the results are 100% consistent and easy to do.