Perfect bolt pistol with an extra 1%

Anyone been able to get a perfect weapon but the dump stat has an extra 1%? First time I have seen this.

Red weapon = mod

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Yes many do, even some 62% from before the “fix”.


Oh wow I haven’t seen that and I didn’t know there was a fix. I swear a long time ago I remember seeing a 2 wound curio but looking around online people say its impossible lol

DT works with hidden decimals, and as such, the max roll seen above is 4*79.6+61.6

Not necessarily, no (base_stats for max level 500 empowered):

                name = "lasgun_p3_m2_dps_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "lasgun_p3_m2_stability_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "lasgun_p3_m2_control_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "lasgun_p3_m2_mobility_stat",
                value = 0.62000000476837158,
                name = "lasgun_p3_m2_ammo_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "bolter_p1_m1_dps_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "bolter_p1_m1_stability_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "bolter_p1_m1_control_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
                name = "bolter_p1_m1_mobility_stat",
                value = 0.61000001430511475,
                name = "bolter_p1_m1_reload_speed_stat",
                value = 0.80000001192092896,
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I don’t get this weapon. Maybe I need more time with it, or maybe it’s just in the “balanced” category, and therefore not actually very good all things considered.

I built mine as above, but on vet:

If I had to say how it feels to use - I’d say “Lawbringer Shotgun”. Not really bad, but just not actually a very good all rounder (*T2 niche blessings aside).

It’s hard to judge since the weapons around it are A-grade, but it’s objectively a bad:

  • Bolt gun: you can’t mag dump, but you still get that rubbish recoil and a small clip
  • Pistol: it doesn’t hit as hard, equip as fast, aim as well, re - fire as fast, and the two extra bullets disappear in break points pretty quickly; objectively doing even fewer kills per mag
  • Kantrael shotty: doesn’t have the alt fire, or that chunky feel to it

I am going to admit now that I’ve not had much time on it (5-10hrs), nor the bolt gun (25-35hrs+), but if I had to pick one of the two, I’m always going to go with the latter from now on.

“but these ones go to 11”.


One extra breath

You got a pretty limited edition.

Not a code person myself, just common sense, as the dumpstat will be 62 at most with all 80.

Interesting. Maybe it rerolls those stats after giving them a predetermined value alongside my reasoning?

Fatshark math is quite something else.

Boltpistol is exactly that, a solid, most likely best all-rounder, when it comes to anti special and elite capabilites. Best at nothing with no gaping holes in the performance either.

Puncture lets it reach 1-2 shot breakpoints on most things that matter, can shoot carapace with if must, can reliably oneshot chaff shooters at any distance. It has bolter dmg without the magdump but much improved handling.

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