[PC] Skulls for the Skull Throne 3 - Event Portrait Frame & Quests!

While I get the idea behind the pairing of the mutators - the constant hordes giving a steady flow of enemies to keep up the khorne stacks, there are some problems:

  • getting grims may become a bigger disadvantage
  • makes the usual flow of boss fights impractical, getting no horde while the boss is up might kill off one or more players, also boss wall keeps you from pushing towards ambients to keep up stacks
  • maps where there are no enemies during extraction might end in a loss of one or more players
  • maps with “mini events (cart,cannon)” slows the players down in pulling ambients to keep up the stacks
  • classes with low or nonexisting tempHP generation suffer more

Keeping up stacks should be done with doing damage too, not just kills

The khorne mutator pushes players to a beviour that they are unused to, making pug quickplays even worse than before…

If these are issues there is champion or other lower difficulty. The new challenge was a welcome experience and something new to try. We did it first time on legend with 2 of the people being randoms. It wasn’t that bad given some teamwork to share kills. Also without a merc class.

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Really enjoying the mechanic of the “khorne” modifier. With the need to constantly kill to stay alive it really gets me into the “need to go fast, need to kill” mood I associate with the whole crazy, bloodthirsty Khorne. Well done!

On the mechanics level, some maps are a lot harder than others, due to times without any enemies to kill (lifting platforms and before the 4 bosses). Not sure how the code works exactly, but I guess hordes are disabled in such areas. If so, it would make the modifier a bit more forgiving to disable loosing hp while there is no possibility of hordes appearing. On the other hand, where is the fun in that? :wink:

What I really like about the khorne modifier: it changes the gameplay at a fundemental level. You really have to play to accomodate it. I hope you (Fatshark) manage to make WoM a similar experience, maybe include it there?

Just an idea about tweaking the difficulty introduced by it: as I see it, currently you loose HP at a constant rate (it doesn’t matter how much HP you have left). To make it easier, the loss could slow down with decreasing HP. E.g. loose 5HP/s if over 70%HP, loose 2HP/s if over 50%HP, loose 1HP/s if over 30% or something like that.

Unchained takes overcharge damage from Khorne debuffs too ;-;

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These are not personal issues, these are design issues that remain across the difficulty spectrum. The only amendment is that you can get downed on lower difficulties more.