Patch #13: Class Overhaul Part 1

They realize it, I just don’t think they care.

The fact that the garbage crafting system didn’t get an iota of updating tells all you need to know about FS’ priorities.


maybe the console peasants will complain hard enough about it

Any plans on adding additional class penances for the new blitz and ult abilities?

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I’m far from the first person to say it, and nowhere near the most articulate in my comments, but I’m pretty disappointed with what’s been done to the veteran with this patch.

It’s certainly possible that I’ve just not found my ideal skill tree build yet I guess, but even if I had, it’s a bummer to see all the cool enhancements to the other classes and contrast it to the veteran who rather than being further evolved, has instead really just been reduced and bracketed.

Or to put it another way: every other class feels exceptionally fun to play now. I’ve tried all 3 of my other classes and you can immediately start to enjoy yourself immensely, building along any talent tree on a whim and have vastly engaging experience. Whereas the veteran has to be intricately and carefully looked over to reach a spot that feels vaguely viable.

I hope that disparity can be adjusted.


at this rate i’d expect it to come next year now that cert thing with xbox is in place, making updates even more slower than they already were LOL

I just want them to put the stamina regen delay reduction perks closers so I can have psyker level regen on vet PLUS suppression immunity further up the tree so I don’t have to commit to going all in on sharpshooter for something that is already done by volley fire or they could just kill suppression as a mechanic that’d be better

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I don’t know if I’m hallucinating, but it seems to me that the thunderclap sound of the Thunder Hammer has changed. And it is now glorious! I smile every time I hear it.

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Ok played a lot… did not test everything but i can see the potential.
The synergy between talent tree and weapons can create strong different gameplays.

Zealot abilities are really good, especially chorus of spiritual.
The talent tree allow a variety of gameplays, assassin (my current favorite), support, close combat etc.
The “nades” are good enough. Love the new fire grenade.
Only talent that maybe someone can explain me why I should take it is “inexorable judgment”. I see it as bad.

Veteran is fair. It was a strong class before, it is now a balanced one. Abilities are great. However, voice of command feel a little unimpressive (no real special effect).
Grenades are great.
At the end, we get strong template like the veteran was.

Psykers, the talent tree feel to have less different opportunities. I feel always to have spare points that I waste on a node or two. The last points don’t allow to change drastically your gameplay like we can see on other classes.
Assail need obviously an ajdustment. And psyker seems to be a little too strong now… but maybe just a feeling (seeing psyker doing 570k in damnation)

Ogryns… not tested too much. But from what I have seen, the class seems a little buffed by the changes. And I was thinking it was too strong before this update… it is yet with this update.
Not fan of loyal protector, but the two other abilities seem good.

Does the game still have sticking points (no weapon customization, scummy cosmetic system)? Yes, but credit where credit is due, this update is a big thumbs up for me. Overwhelming amount of positive changes all round, and I’m excited to see the momentum continue now that the Xbox version is out!

The game may have finally earned that Steam Recommend.

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Thought I’d throw this out there since I don’t see it mentioned in the notes:

Deathspitter and frenzy have been massively gutted, in that their range of activation is much shorter. They now only count kills that are in melee range, while before this patch, “close range” used to be about 15m or so (in the Psykanium, the range used to be around from where the berzerkers are over to the scab/dreg common units).

By comparison, Dum Dum still activates at the range that deathspitter used to activate.

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Agreed. Seems like one of the unwritten parts of this update was to screw over the Veteran class to appease the people like Ralendil who can’t stand not being top dog on some DPS meter.

Hear that Fatshark? That is the sound of a regularly open wallet slamming shut and going to stay that way. Along with a whole lot of word of mouth advertising that just turned into “do not buy this or anything else they make.”

You sought to appease the stupid and loud minority but forgot that its the silent majority who are paying the bills. Soon enough that minority will turn on you again with more demands and when you finally say no they will abandon you. Then who will be around to keep the lights on?

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Guy I play veteran… and I have never called for a nerf of the veteran…
Bolter however was a problem. Pinning fire nerf seems to give more space for other weapons for their niche.

Believe it or not… recent reviews on steam are excellent

About veteran, I don’t think their tree lack of opportunities. Psyker has such tree.
Abilities are really good.
The lack of keystone can seem bad, but the class stays really strong.
Sure, psyker have got a good buff it seems, Ogryns also and zealot have real cool abilities.
But voice of command is really something that can change the output of a fight as it can revive all your fallen teammates. The stealth is also an opportunity to develop new gameplays.
Maybe there will be a need to balance things. I doubt it should be by buffing veteran, but obviously by nerfing things that are too strong.

Just started to really play veteran… and… this is strong.
I played with the revolver… my god. Too great.

agree. veteran kind of got done over with the way the skill tree is layed out compared to the day before release skill tree the EA one that the “content creators” had access to. this one we been issued is really restrictive it hard to actually build out as the say it was desgined and it encourage to build out into the tree. if you actally try and do that which is somewhat diffuclt given how many nodes you have to jump thought running a Krak grenade, Damage buffing stealth vet with a focus in range leaves me 3 points, if i build straight down like they say it 4 points. to branch out. and branching out kind of limited, compare to the EA one which you have 5 points before selecting any particular grenade of your choice then it again it was easier since you can choose any grenade. which is again far more vaible. while apperiating the level of comple interaaction some of the interactions seeminly become very hard if you actually want to experiment with ethier style fo game playnthen middle till you reach like the selection between range, toughess (iron will one) and melee and you cna choose between the two pretty easily but if you go down ethier one of the other branches then it becomes increasingly diffcult to actually to reach the oposite branch without scrafcing more points. to reach it.


Seriously Psyker tree is worse. I know that Psykers are now terribly strong but their tree is not really the more interesting one. Less synergies between talents, less choices.

Remove locks from crafting, or this game will die.



Respectfully disagree. I haven’t had nearly the same headaches finding my preferred build with my Psyker as I have with my vet, but that might be down to the wording, (not really sure, that’s just a theory).

glad that there are players that appreciate psyker talent tree.
Tbh, psyker is my less appreciated class.

Zealot - Veteran - Ogryn - Psyker

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Maybe it’s also down to the fact that I usually only play at malice. I suspect that my impression would change severely if I tried to advance to a higher difficulty level.

Question, since it’s been awhile: Is Brain Burst useful at higher levels?

I made a post last year, pointing out that Brain Burst had 0 damage scaling, meaning it became utterly useless at higher levels. A level 3 and a level 13 Psyker both did 825 damage to the same mob.
Which meant the Psyker’s power was literally garbage at higher difficulties, where you went from 1-2 hits to kill a mob, to 3-4 hits. …When your power needs to recharge after 3 hits.

There was also the question of Psykers dropping charge if hit, which is incredibly stupid; people don’t drop guns when hit if firing. They don’t drop ammo if hit while reloading.
So why do Psykers do static damage, lose their attack if hit (in a horde game where you WILL be hit), and have to vent (causing massive downtime)?

Please tell me this has all been fixed!

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You can aim precisely with brain burst. No precision factor.
Once you started to burn his brain, he can go out of your lone of sight, the mob is already dead
Great against monstrosities.

So yes, at high diff it can be useful.