Patch #13: Class Overhaul Part 1

heavy eviscerator joins the cleaving strike club!

woah a lot of weapons join the cleaving strike club!

Yeah i just did my second read through the whole business and edited my original post.

Hard for Ogryn to read, makes head hurt >:(

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But it always was 10% per stack.

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I noticed that one too; thereā€™s a few similar ones, like Savage Sweep going from 100 - 175% (ingame, T4 text read 200%) to 140 - 180%; Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a consequence of the blessing text being changed in v1.1.22

EDIT: Also, Voidstrike gang, rise up. 762/1305/1305/1667 damage on a 79% roll, damn :open_mouth:

So youā€™ve changed ā€˜so muchā€™ for this second release, butā€¦

Youā€™ve kept the locks even after massively changing all weapons and blessings.
Youā€™ve kept the time-gated RNG store
Youā€™ve kept Brunt as a full on scam

FS really is beyond all saving at this point.


Looking at the specifics in part 2, Evis looks to be doing enough to REALLY shred, with a massive cleave buff to make it more effective against enemies. Thunder hammer is in a similar boat.

After tinkering with the Psyker tree a bitā€¦ is it intentional that taking the left-most Aura prevents you from taking the right-most Combat Ability (and vice versa)? The 2 rows of nodes following the auras do not allow you to span the width of the tree, so Prescience Aura can only get Telekine Shield/Scrierā€™s Gaze, and Kinetic Presence can only get Venting Shriek/Telekine Shield.

I recall discussion about the Psyker tree having more mutually exclusive decisions to make, so Iā€™m just curious if that thinking applied to Combat Abilities too.

Unmentioned - Infantry AGs reload speed reduced to 2.75s, 0.45s faster than BAG. The Infantry AGs previously had a reload time longer than the BAGs. Still needs a slight mag size increase and reduce ADS recoil - but Iā€™m very happy about the reload speed change.

Additionally, despite itā€™s description, I think sustained fire is still triggering off 2nd and 3rd shots in a salvo, not third and fourth.

Could we please get clarification on this:

Punishing Salvo

*** Now applies to 3rd and 4th shot in salvo, instead of 2nd and 3rd.**

It was previously weak-spot hits. Now it simply reads ā€œ+20% damage on third an fourth shots in a salvo.ā€

And sustained fire has a blessing description thatā€™s identical to Punishing Salvo.

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Looks pretty damn cool. I wonā€™t really know until Iā€™ve played it, and can give better feedback but thanks for all the new stuff, and balance.

Wondering if a lot of the buffs to weapons and blessings are mostly to compensate for buffs to enemies? I guess Iā€™ll find out if it results in them feeling the same. Just hoping the eviscerator, chain axe, and the infernus blessing are a little stronger now. But I got the impression they are. (Edit: Missed the voidstrike buffs, thatā€™s my favorite staff, did seem like it needed a little love, woo!). One of the axes the zealot can use probably needed a nerf too. But itā€™s been a while, I forget which one.

One thing Iā€™d really like to see is the ability to change your characterā€™s voice. I know next to nothing about game dev, so donā€™t know if itā€™s an easy or hard thing to do, but if it were just another option in the barber, I kind of want to swap to a different gender and voice for my psyker. I was thinking with this patch Iā€™d go ahead and just start a new one since currencies are shared now. But the main downside is my current psyker has a number of badass weapons that I invested into that wouldnā€™t be transferable. I was going to add cosmetics, but I think they might actually be shared? So thatā€™s nice. I donā€™t know, I might saw screw it and start a new one, but itā€™s a big investment, and have only so much time.


Looking forward to logging back in and checking out the action!

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Evis is so greaaaat nowā€¦

Changes are really good.
Have to see the balance, but everything that was added is good so far.
Even veteran seems interesting.

Stealth ability for vet and zealot seem to offer, maybe, less opportunities than other, but this is great additions.

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Itā€™s good

Thatā€™s awesome to hear. Iā€™ve always loved the evicsceretor but itā€™s power was somewhat lacking.

Void is absolutely brutal, donā€™t think I can go back to trauma. Insane breakpoints like one shotting dreg ragers. The new Surge Staff is terrible, meanwhile.

Itā€™s a sad day for plasma gun enjoyers. It doesnā€™t one tap gunners anymore unless you satisfy some very niche conditions and headshot.


Bye bye shredder, brauto back on top :muscle:

you have done an amazing effort in restructiong the classes the veteran still slihgtly restrictive based on grenade abilities. so it take quite alot of points to bring them into being something that is usable when it comes down to mixing any of the different streeams. Krak wielding, Stealthed sharpshooting veteran. it quite hard to actually get to it.

so when is Ryza, Lucius scoped and Caidan burst Hotshot lasgun and hotshot marksman riflesgoing to be introduced?


Not only visual, but also only applies 6 stacks.

Already wrote a bug report.


you do realize making blessings better only make locks feel worse?