Passives or talents affecting range

But it’s a video game with a very linear system.
The main 3 stats being power, crit chance and attack speed.
If this game had a more elaborate weapon system I would agree with you, but it doesn’t.

This is a fantasy game where a lot of things don’t make sense if you abide by real life rules.


You’ve got it. I know it’s a hugely complicated thing to try and get right. Increasing a weapons crit chance is WHC knowing where to place his shot in the joint of armour or whatever.

I do tend to agree with @Adelion in that each class has a definite thing they’re leaning towards. Zealot is clearly designed for melee, and buffing his ranged simply makes him too good at EVERYTHING.

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lets just assume zealot is risky to play, and isn’t just standing still for a sec, hit some things and basically being safe.
Would you say his ranged power is fine in that case?

Also a tag is pretty available on every career and isn’t a difficult thing to do. Thats basically a 20% damage boost for Whc on his ranged, that is consistent and doesn’t require him to take any risks or sacrifice a talent for it. 25% when choosing a talent, + has access to scrounger synergies with his crit chance. Is that more fine then zealot? why so? or why not?

He’s not though.

If you mean if he were more like WHC, who doesn’t have DMGR or increased Health Generation bonuses,or a ‘cheat death’ function then I’d say yeah.

Zealot does have that though.

It still requires an initial action, where Zealot’s does not, other than the overhead at the start of the match, which isn’t difficult.

Then the OP part of WHC is shared to his allies. I’m happy with that. I think squishier Careers can be afforded strong mechanics to a degree.

Maybe Zealot can spare some 30% Power, or AS, or Health Gen, or DMGR.


Yea i know, thats why i started with ‘lets assume’ :).

Yea but its not that difficult. but i guess you are right, its technically an extra button press and only works on taggable enemies.

Also seems like the issue is more his tankyness. Slayer can also hit some enemies, and then switch to his throwing axe and delete an enemy. Yes he needs to do an initial action and his ranged options aren’t that strong.

If we aim for consistency, why does slayer have to hit an enemy first to get his melee power up and zealot can just take damage once and have it up constantly?

So its mostly an issue of the combination of tankyness and ranged power? Would you say zealot is fine if he would be like he is currently but have his passive not affect his ranged?

also funny fact: slayer can reach 102.5% ranged power, for a melee career! :). insane. i’m just kidding pls don’t hurt me. just wanna show how on paper plenty of careers can reach big numbers. in practice this doesn’t rlly matter at all and doesn’t rlly have much of an impact.

Exactly. Zealot should have to earn his Power and defensives.

At the moment, he gets it all for free, and I’m not sure that the less health = Power is functioning how it was ever intended to, tbh. The only time it ever really comes into play is Cata+, when people are minmaxing getting hit for more Ult charge.

Other than that it’s just the initial damage at the start of the match and then you just play it like any other Career, but with high stats.

And below Cata, it’s actually a bad thing on open maps, because there aren’t enough enemies to keep your THP sustained.

I would give him something similar to the Slayer stacks, but also take his AS into account. He never has downtime on Power.

At first I wanted him to be a tradelordx, but trying to do that with other players just doesn’t work on Cata-. They just get staggered or die before you can take hits, unless you run into dumb positioning.

If he gained the Power and maybe some AS from something similar to Slayer stacks, you could ignore range, or partially nerf it (50% of Power from Passive goes to range). But if he keeps the Power for the entire match with no downside as he does currently, I’d say that nerfing the Ranged Power is a start.

I would have to see how much the downtime effects him after that. Clearly him having none is a big contributor to how strong he is. Most other Power stacking Careers have a situational requirement with a timer. Paced Strikes, stagger Elite on FK (forgot the name of it lol), Slayer Stacks, Overcharge on Unchained, either FF removed 15% or Push Power on Hanmaiden, Kill stacks on GK.

There was a real reason for me saying it though. You should try Boss killing with the Volley and doing what I said. You need decanter though, and Crit+Monster (Hunter) on Volley.

Str Pot> Ult > Light spam Horde/Boss, Push/Dodge Horde and spam shoot the Boss. Watch how much damage it does.

Probably best with Rapier tbh, because of how well it works with FF.

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I agree completely with you btw. I was just trying to ask questions to have a better insight. This discussion has been great.

I know :). I was mostly countering you to have a better insight and to give you maybe some other sides you can look at it. I’m not a 100% agreeing on the numbers still and i’m still more on the side of ‘i don’t mind if he is able to do this with all the downsides’ but i cannot ignore how strong it is and if a career is able to burst down a boss or a patrol, then it should be changed. Especially when it’s this easy to do. But i’m still inbetween here. There is also alot of managing to be done to achieve his true ranged power.

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This is news to me. What’s so silly about the Blunderbus on FK?


Power = Cleave, and he can have a lot of it. Shotgun an Elite or Stagger one, and then spam Hordes, go for as many headshots as possible.

Mace+Sword + Blunder, and Power stack.


That explains why I was seeing it being used by FKs in high level modded content. I would’ve guessed ammo sustain would be an issue, but from the sounds of it Conservative Shooter is used to cover that?


I’m not sure about that content, but it does help. You do run dry eventually, but you’ll have flattened so many Hordes it was worth it.

The real question is whether it’s better on Merc for that reason. You lose some actual damage, but can use the Ammo Talent. But you also need a 3 enemy Cleave. :woman_shrugging:

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a 3 enemy cleave is very easy to get

as for FK in modded, it was just a fun lil meme build tbh :sweat_smile:

Grail Knight is pretty much the meta atm for modded


Why is that? Is it because of his high consistent elite dps?

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pretty much, his dps output is honestly too good

can 2 shot CWs with Exe, Mace and Sword synergizes with him insanely well