Exactly. Zealot should have to earn his Power and defensives.
At the moment, he gets it all for free, and I’m not sure that the less health = Power is functioning how it was ever intended to, tbh. The only time it ever really comes into play is Cata+, when people are minmaxing getting hit for more Ult charge.
Other than that it’s just the initial damage at the start of the match and then you just play it like any other Career, but with high stats.
And below Cata, it’s actually a bad thing on open maps, because there aren’t enough enemies to keep your THP sustained.
I would give him something similar to the Slayer stacks, but also take his AS into account. He never has downtime on Power.
At first I wanted him to be a tradelordx, but trying to do that with other players just doesn’t work on Cata-. They just get staggered or die before you can take hits, unless you run into dumb positioning.
If he gained the Power and maybe some AS from something similar to Slayer stacks, you could ignore range, or partially nerf it (50% of Power from Passive goes to range). But if he keeps the Power for the entire match with no downside as he does currently, I’d say that nerfing the Ranged Power is a start.
I would have to see how much the downtime effects him after that. Clearly him having none is a big contributor to how strong he is. Most other Power stacking Careers have a situational requirement with a timer. Paced Strikes, stagger Elite on FK (forgot the name of it lol), Slayer Stacks, Overcharge on Unchained, either FF removed 15% or Push Power on Hanmaiden, Kill stacks on GK.
There was a real reason for me saying it though. You should try Boss killing with the Volley and doing what I said. You need decanter though, and Crit+Monster (Hunter) on Volley.
Str Pot> Ult > Light spam Horde/Boss, Push/Dodge Horde and spam shoot the Boss. Watch how much damage it does.
Probably best with Rapier tbh, because of how well it works with FF.