Parting of the Waves appreciation


So having had the time to play the map a few times (cata only if that matters) i would like to offer my opinion on this new map in all its rather large size with long winding paths with hidden corners and whatnot all over.

Its great.

I really like it.

Its immersive in terms of visual storytelling and the voicelines are on point, the group having had some major “getting along” problems are gradually forced to put that on the back burner that as they realize the island they landed on is not at all so nice. Rather, the PoTC shipwreck-cove style village is absolutely swarming not just with skaven but also northlanders with a giant demon plant ontop it all. Plus, there’s even new big chaos boys charging at them with heavy shields.

(Is it just my imagination or are those guys a bit weak one on one? Might be intentional given they are also very strong when stacked.)

But on the note of the village, i greatly enjoy this design, even when i typically get lost easily and wander around trying to figure out how to get back to the team after falling into a hole or off a roof somewhere. Its highly detailed, nicely filled with stuff and there’s even a degree of plausibility baked in to explain why there’s so much flammable and even combustible oil just waiting to be used. The several hidden paths and optional paths are also a nice touch to add variety or even shortcuts for those that wana spice it up. Though mind, those paths often skip past grims/tomes, in case you like those.

As for the events and the previously mentioned new chaos shields, the events have been added into the storytelling nicely and do not feel forced, nor are they actually a chore to get through. Basic operations are simple but with the caveat of lots of angry pactsworn wanting to stop it, simple, but nice. Though i think i´d like if the second event spawned a few less basic enemies and instead a monster on cata, having a big one before the end is nice but that’s personal preference. And the Chaos shield warriors fit in nicely too even if i suspect they might need some tuning here and there.

Finally on the note of likes, i also really like that its all so open and gimmick free, no nurgloth flies, no Nurgloth, no cramped room with poor visibility and tons of spawns. There isnt even a circular room with a barely visible moving AOE attack that slows and deals tons of damage during essentially nonstop hordes that include elites&disabling specials.

I believe it is a good addition to the QP pool, well made and fair. Even if the often spawning enemies from behind raises the ranged paranoia levels even more than usual. We really need enemies to make more noise when running/spawning.


So I believe these guys are only new to us the players playing the game.

Considering Chaos Warriors with Shields retroactively start appearing in all levels where Pactsworn can appear, that means U5 have been seeing them since Righteous Stand.

That’s the way I view it anyways. It’s a little muddier as Beastmen also appear retroactively in other maps too, yet they act surprised to see Beastmen during Dark Omen


Yeah, it’s funny some people were soo salty and mad about them being added before even playing it. They’re not difficult at all, and they’re much squishier than regular chaos warriors. I was hoping they’d be a bit tankier and more difficult to take down, but it seems like they’re a bit weak and easy to stagger.

Spot-on here, I’m guessing some feedback about events kinda got Fatshark to put some effort into making this one more entertaining. I’m guessing the large number of enemies on the the second event was because they figured you could fact you can burn them all in ignited whale oil, but man, you have to really draw them in first, because there’s not really a good spot to keep them in the fire. The AI was updated at some point not to walk through oil fires, and they’re so good at avoiding it, that you have to pretty much draw them up onto high ground or just over a ledge where they will be stuck in climing animations coming/going as they burn, otherwise, it just doesnt’ work very well. They path around it so fast.

The real problems with a some events is that they feel like a chore and an unwelcome change of pace that requires a player sacrifice the fun of playing the game to do something boring.

The cart, an unwelcome change of pace that requries moving slowly, even when there would normally be no reason to slow.

The darkness torch or nurgle curse with the magic scepter, terrible because one player has to bite the bullet and not play the game while everyone else has fun. (I know some masochists enjoy having a shitty torch or using the blue fire puffs on the scepter “because it’s totally a great weapon” and it is, but not if you want to use ranged, or your ability without a delay and throwing it.)

The barrel stuff is probably one of the least terrible, but what they improved with the new mission is giving players control over spawning the barrels. You don’t have to wait for another to spawn. You can make another yourself when you need it.

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