Beat the map on Cataclysm. Took four attempts.
It’s absolutely brutal. Definitely the hardest level in the game by far. The hazards and constant hordes were interesting, and it was fun to navigate the whole thing while trying to deal with the hordes along the way.
Seeing a grudge-marked monster was also surprising! What does Raging do? Aside from like, tripling its health.
Another banger overall. Presentation was amazing and the gameplay was fun too. Music is incredible as always.
Foolish no-tail! You forgot-neglected to mention Krask Gnawtooth!!! 
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The mission was pretty buggy. I saw enemies walking through the checkpoint barrier, spots where you fall by walking where there’s no discernible ledge. It’s hard to imagine play testing and not having encountered some of these issues, because after just 4 playthroughs, it seemed something bugged out every time.
Besides that only issue I have with this one is that the art on the launcher looked much more vibrant than the mission itself. I was hoping it wouldn’t be a nasty green fog and green filter that washes out the details. I was hoping to see some shadows and contrast against the warp stone-lit interior, but it’s a dull green haze that just seems really low quality. I think adjusting the lighting on this one and the previous one would do wonders for the environment, since they both are interesting locations.
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I don’t like that map. It feels short and extremely boring with repetitive objectives and basically nothing except Skaven elites and a couple of leeches bc fs never fixes chaos spawns on Skaven only maps. I didn’t like how I randomly walked inside a stone while searching for mushrooms and saw some bad textures and a map border. I don’t like standing and waiting for that bomb to move a bit while pushing a couple of stormvermins. It feels like a set seed to me. Also it’s visually ugly IMO.
I believe the boss modifier just empowers him as he loses health (damage reduction, stagger immunity, damage dealt), but I’m not sure. He has 8k hp on Cata, that’s all I know.
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