Overwhelmed by audio cues

So, when I play Auric Damnation whether it’s HiIntG, or maelstrom of sorts, waves of specs, mutants and hounds can cause other sounds to get drowned out as well. As I understand it, it’s probably because a lack of sufficient channels to play the numerous audio cues.

That said, I didn’t believe the stealth trapper until it’s happened to me. The trapper that hides behind a towering wall of ogryns and shoots a net at you, and you cant dodge the net because you were already dodging the three overhand crusher swings at you. You’re netted and now the crushers connect anyway and you’re insta downed.

Or getting a flamethrower in the back is always fun :stuck_out_tongue: (not really, I’m back pedaling then all a sudden I start melting. by the time I turn around, I’m dead.) This is a frustrating issue to deal with and I’m not sure how I would personally go about addressing stealth specialists, but many failures have happened simply because I didn’t know something was there in spite of auditory awareness being at its highest.

There are mods to combat this, such as “Spidey Sense.” I only use this mod while my kids are awake and I need an ear cup of my headphones off so I can listen to them and the game. But then, in the game I’m half deaf, so that’s why spidey sense is wonderful.

Perhaps if FS could develop some sort of visual warning system for the hearing impaired? Such as (if this is the issue mentioned earlier with insufficient audio channels) the insufficient number of audio channels, provide better warning systems of a sort? I still wanna hunt for them, but I need another warning system as the base system is insufficient when surrounded by numerous enemies and audio does not give a clue if something is above or below you, only if it is to the left or right of you.


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