Issue Description:
Ogryn Mk3 and Mk4 cleavers do not reflect their damage properly Steps to Reproduce:
have one of each weapon in invintory
look at stats Mission Name (If Applicable):
N/A Platform:
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
all day every day Reproduction Rate:
I dont know what kind of balancing you did for your game, but both weapons have the same base discription when viewed on the store, but the weapon that does cleave damage has a higher damage physical number than the one that is single target specific, even when omitting the 1% difference on the damage stat roll
The bars mean nothing between different weapon mks, each weapon has a set of baseline stats that we can’t view. Only way to roughly compare different mks is the damage breakdown and to use them.
It’s not the bars I’m pointing out. It’s the attack types listed in the breakdown screenshots compared to the item damage description. Both describe on the short hand photos the weapons the same but they perform wildly different beyond the damage numbers. One is single target only light attacks and the other is sweeping lights that hit all targets infront of you, however they are both described as flurry cleave. The mark4 only has a “cleave” attack in its heavy attack chain in the second swing, but the mark3 also has that same chain profile. The mark4 has a misleading text that makes you think it’s gonna be a cleave weapon that hits everything infront of you but instead it just stabs the guy right in front and doesn’t cleave at all. The only thing damage wise I was addressing is the weapon designed to hit single targets only has a lower overall damage stat and damage min/max compared to the weapon that hits everything infront of you, and was using two I had in inventory with very similar damage bar percentages to show they are fairly even from a player perspective.
Fair enough, the tool tips definitely need work, I’d assume the difference in damage is down to the mk IV possibly having a higher attack speed? Honestly I used the mk IV once and went back to mk III and shovel for the rest of my ogryn playtime.