Option to disable crossplay

Whenever crossplay is released, I would very much appreciate an option to opt out of any type of cross platforming

I would like to be able to both host and matchmake without interacting with people that aren’t on the same platform as I am

: )


ok well lets cross that bridge when we get to it

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Yeah I wouldn’t want dirty console peasants in my game either.

But here’s the problem: you need to have actual crossplay first.
I don’t think even cross save between pc platforms(xgp vs. steam) are confirmed yet.


I really don’t see the problem with cross-play for a CO-OP game. I think it would be a great addition. But to have the option would be nice I suppose.

Isnt it a thing that crossplay cant be done given how big the differences are in how the game runs on different platforms? Mainly between PC&consoles that is’*

We would definitely need to have an option to disable it.
Not sure why but every game with cross play console folks always seem to preform worse than someone running the worst pc specs.

This was true of VT2 at least. The consoles couldn’t handle the large numbers in hordes even on lower difficulties. I guess consoles prioritize GPU-power over CPU-power which is how most games work but not that one.

Not sure how it’ll work for DT. In VT2, the host’s computer handled all the pathing queries and various AI stuff and decisions, but now there are no hosts. Do the servers handle those computations? Seems like an awful lot of strain for servers which (to my understanding, at least) typically prioritize high storage and high memory but don’t necessarily need a lot of computational power. Outside of multi-threading. In any case, if that is so I suppose there’d be no issue for having the consoles handle it since they’d only manage the graphics like most games.