One week from launch, no statement? (edit: We had an update/statement but it's uuuh...)

Imagine if the gear system was like a combination of
Vermintide 2 weave system with battlefield 4’s weapon progression.

Basically - USING a weapon would overtime would earn you unlocks and achievements. I DT2 term, what if you had an achievement based on simple usage for every weapon that would fairly quickly unlock every blessing and perk - and then you’d use a weave-like system to mod your weapon freely. You’d get all the parts quickly, and would spend some nominal resource to make the modification.


bro it would have been so F*CKING cool if they had a system of lenses in the las weapon or something like that. then you could have i dunno changed the beam color for different light intensities? and therefore also different fire rate? or have the battery-mags handle fire rate and power and have lenses be a special thing with beam color being purely fashiontide…
so much wasted potential dude


Imagine giving your customer everything you promised…

This is FatShark we’re dealing with not THQ god rest its soul


Warhammer 39.8K. First time to not peak over 40.