So far i’ve been enjoying RV especialy because of two bugs (or exploits if you prefer) but i realize that when they’ll be fixed i ll have no more reasons to play RV. (i try to have as much ranged kills as melee kills in legend and i m using great axe, gruderaker and the talent that gives 25% bonus power and longer smoke).
So instead of going into details and lots of blabla…
Please , just concider making him a viable/funtouse/rewarding/anywordyoulike melee career and not just a ranged focused career. The infinite smoke range (talent 1 for his active ability) allows him to sneak up to any high treath target and slaugther it, when you ll fix this RV’s melee effectivness will be underwelming.
Maybe his active ability has really bad designe melee wise by using it, ennemies will start runninng toward your allies and so be out of melee range. Also the cooldown is way to long and make it frustrating to “waste it” for only 4-5 heavy attacks in melee. Also note that using his ability in melee range is way to dangerouse because of its long animation.
Tl:dr : make him able to be played as a melee focused career.
I ✠✠✠✠