Yet I don’t think they’ve shown a gameplay where it was a full mission length no melee gameplay
So while your take away is that they advertised playing heavy ranged, I would sumise that not exactly, they’ve shown off that ranged is a powerful tool, and nothing more
I ran Columnus without that aura for months with no ammo problems. It’s like the world has caved in, but really, it hasn’t.
I also have a zealot, and I find it really annoying that I have to keep using a gun instead of pure melee to get those pesky snipers on a ledge. Damn FS making me play a certain way.
Yeah i hate it too. I want to play the game how i want. Please give me jetpack and astartes rocket launcher.
You are just a snowflake who can’t face the fact someone has extremely different opinion than you. You can do whatever you like, just dont expect fatshark to change basic fundamentals of their game to cater to those like you.
He never mentioned firewarrior. And btw, firewarrior is one of the worst fps games ever made.
It’s not and end of the world, just annoyance, albeit not minor.
The game is still very much playable, just it is unnecessaryly harder to play with some weapons, on maps with more then 1 specialist every 30 seconds.
Me and my younger brother played that game to death many, many years ago. I know what sort of game it is. I played through the growth of FPS into its monolithic state today. I’m aware of this genre we’re both playing.
Its a 40k game that focused on shooting, thats what your statement was really getting at directed at the other user, but sure, just dance around it.
Discussing this with you is clearly not going to do any good, and if anything your wet responses that add nothing meaningful are just riling me up. So thanks for this chat, Starshine.
To give you something more lighthearted to theorycraft about, how does one have one’s head up the right end?
Sounds vaguely heretical, even with a rebreather.
Side note, as someone who also played fire warrior when it launched, it was about the only way to get a 40k fps fix back then short of some very janky mods for other games, and it really wasn’t bad for the time.
We talk about some liberties in this game as far as some baseline humans (ok, two out of four) taking on things like spawns, but that lone fire warrior should be an honorary ultramarine based on it’s chaos marine killcount alone.
The design intent has been stated for a LONG time.
This is the second Darktide devblog and was written by Mats, the combat lead, back in June of '22 and has been sitting in the announcement tabs here and on Steam ever since.
If ammo wasn’t supposed to be a limited resource, why even have ammo pickups and ammo-crates?
Clearly you are not SUPPOSED to be able to engage 100% of enemies with your ranged. Otherwise, why even bother with an ammo mechanic? Just give everyone infinite ammo.
Gunning or gunplay isn’t frowned upon at all. It’s not the playstyle, but the people into that playstyle that many find to be… problematic. I’m talking about the sort of people who happily magdump into every random trash horde.
Survivalist was so obviously broken compared to any other aura, on any other class even. I mean… 2-3x effective ammo for the whole team - without even having to go look for it -, vs. a tiny fraction of extra dmg that meets not a single new breakpoint? Where’s the choice in that? Every single other aura makes a tiny, miniscule, complementary difference you often pick more for the talents near them rather than the aura itself. And then you had Survivalist.
None of this is about hating on ranged or gunplay, it never was. This topic and issue is the same as back when Power Swords did like 50% more dmg & cleave while its energized attacks lasted for 10-15 attacks compared to now. Back then, vets were 5x better in melee than any class in the game without spending a single talent or curio or anything else toward it… and while ofc being the best ranged too. Everyone knew it was beyond broken. And yet, as Power Swords were nerfed multiple times, every single time we had dozens of threads where people were complaining the nerf was unjustified, that all Fatshark wanted to do was rob them of their “fun”.
Survivalist completely screwed up weapon balance. It eliminated choice. It promoted a bad playstyle of ignoring looting for ammo, resulted in weapons designed for emergencies and high impact plays with extreme ammo cost being spammable against every random horde. All of those and more impacted everyone, even those who didn’t use it or abuse it, but instead went with high economy weapons which couldn’t hope to compete as long as ammo itself was being trivialized due to a broken OP aura.
How many “nerf revolver” threads have we seen, mostly bc its low ammo that was intended to offset its speed and power didn’t even matter thanks to Survivalist? Have you ever experienced the joy of a Rumbler oggy or two just deleting and perma-CC:ing everything, all while generating more ammo back than they’re using? Who can even guess how big a role Survivalist was playing in plasma being as broken as it is, when a single cleaving shot could generate its own cost back many times over?
Imagine if for once people actually realized that in a multiplayer game “fun” isn’t just about you, but about everyone else too. That’s why that balance matters.
Even setting aside the whole “game balance” thing, part of the identity of the 'tide series is the intricate melee mechanics. The developers WANT you to engage with melee, to have to learn to get good at crowd control with melee, make it not just a viable option, but an expected one. It’s not like other shooters where you have a “quick melee” that does damage but is never a good option except in the most dire of scenarios.
Veteran is a shooty class, but they still want Veterans to melee. That’s something which I support. Trying to force a purely shooty style onto this game is not going to work, either because it’ll make it less fun, or remove what makes it special.
Darktide was never meant to be overwhelmingly a shooter game. They always wanted it to be a hybrid with a bit more ranged than VT2. And I have to point this out too: saying Veteran is “centered around ranged combat” is a complete misrepresentation of the class. Vet has great defense, an amazing talent tree for hybrid combat, the best team support ability in the game in Voice of Command and he is the only one who can use a Power Sword!
Why do so many people think veterans can get away with only using ranged?
Ammo economy aside once you get into high difficulties you cannot keep shooting 24/7 because the game will force you into melee (Hordes, pushing dogs, shoving off poxwalkers, spacing and blocking ragers)
Also if you for some reason DO use all your ammo to kill a horde, survivalist will not save you like you think it does. As trash enemies don’t give you back ammo and with the exception of a few weapons (for example infantry AG and lasguns) you do not gain more ammo than you spend per kill.
And if by some miracle you can spend the whole game with your gun out because your team is able to hold off the horde, you having your gun out the whole time doesn’t suddenly make it the reason that you managed to complete the mission, you simple helped in keeping up the stomp that was the mission.
Kinda hypocritical aren’t you. First you interpret something i said, literally as me telling you what to do, and then you tell me what to not do, which is a form of telling me what to do.
I will ‘‘btw’’ whoever i want btw.
Just because you and your brother liked it, doesn’t make it a good game. But i will respect your subjective opinion, if you will respect mine, because i played it too. And i hated it as a little 11years old Starshine, starting his activity on wh40k scene.
It was a junk game. Full of bugs, clunky gunplay, terrible animations, bad voice acting and sound designs, obnoxious map designs, and Michael bay story writing.
A generic 40k take into generic fps genre trying to catch audience of basic generic players like Half Life, Doom, Unreal series, Quake etc., except unlike Firewarrior, those fps games were top notch fps gameplays, with good weapon and map designs, and overall gameplay.
Your ability to take a 0.999 caliber boltgun from a dead space marine and shoot it like it was a handgun, is nice indication of ignoring any signs of lore, adjusting gameplay for more generic audience.
Except of IGN, majority of its reviews are around 50 - 60% percent.
I played almost every 40k title that has ever been released on PC from early 90s (stuff like Final Liberation, Space Hulk - Vengeance of Blood Angels, Chaos Gate 1) through dawn of war series, i played Death wing and so on and so forth.
Each of these games, while not perfect, had at least something to at least partially satisfy my craving to live through any kind of 40k experience possible. Firewarrior did not. Its second worst 40k title for me, right after Dawn of War 3.
That is literally your own problem though, don’t post your opinions on public place such as forums, if you get so easily triggered by opinions and counter arguments of others that don’t suit you.
Just because someone doesn’t agree with your subjective opinions, doesn’t also mean that his/her takes are meaningless.
Sure man, any time!
Yes i know, but people like OP want to have higher ammo sustain to be able to shoot more, and get away with more. Also, you can mitigate lots of it, by merely going knife for mobility, to kite plebs, and switch to ranged once in safe distance. Only exception to this is once you cross point of no return, and horde jumps you right after, but even then you can simply use knife mobility, to outrun 90% of enemy units.
Exactly this ^
Ofcourse. But he loses his credibility as specialized swordmaker, and will become some generic blacksmith.
Same as Fatshark would lose its credibility, as provider of very unique hybrid combat experience, and would become a provider of more generic fps experience, where melee is only an option, and not a fundamental core mechanic and principle of this game.
I’m well aware that one case in 50000 isn’t statistically significant in any way, but genuinely my first game back on Vet / pug / tier5 random / vet-without-ammo-aura after the new patch, and at no point did I go under 300 rounds. That’s 40% ammo approx on a columnus. And while yeah, it’s op, i’m not claiming any elite levels of accuracy.
I did melee, as I’ve always done with my Caxe, but I also deliberately shot MORE mobs than I would normally do just to test a 10% stretch.
I will keep a record from here on in so that I can test my initial hypothesis that all this noise about an aura nerf … is just white noise from reading text rather than playing. I’m including 3 random pics towards mid-end game, not as proof, but more just to show I’m not completely BSing.