On Overwatch Veteran Sharpshooter Problem

In b4 gitgud and L2p

This is literally impossible in a PUG group and even a coordinated group. You and I both literally know people that obtained this where extremally lucky or used the exploit. Even if you play the most sneaky possible with the proper feats, there is always a random spawn that boops you from behind chipping your health thus making it the penance impossible.

This penance needs a rework.

I am not a game dev, so I can’t really offer solutions. But maybe offer 2-3 hits per mission for the random boops? Add a counter so you know how many hits you are at? That will still require a player to be cognizant of their surroundings. It’s actually very frustrating and not fun and does not require any skill as it currently stands.

Unless there is a mechanic I am missing that prevents health chipping through toughness please let me know. Thanks for reading.


So far people are cheating this penance, by Alt+F4 and rejoining the game when team is waiting at final elevator.

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Yeah and I hate that. I think I’ve tried everything to get this legit and every time there is 1 rando mob that hits me. It’s actually making me NOT want to play.

Things that HAVE to be reworked:

  1. sprinting speed is slower than ANY enemy
  2. stagger when being shot regardless of taughtness
  3. random enemy popoing from behind
  4. random backstabbing enemies
  5. unnatural enemy teleporting
  6. unnerfing dodge
  7. remove health damage when taughness up
  8. create minimal spawn range for enemies
  10. enemy melee ghost range

@Gaardian I was able to do this. It does require skill. Maybe not the type of skill you enjoy, but a skill nonetheless. On difficulty 4, and especially 5, you can only really afford to get hit ONCE or TWICE. This penance is good.

Do you have the standstill perk? Where enemies are far more likely to ignore you. It’s god tier. Even shooting an enemy, they will continue to run past you, and even sometimes the enemy you are shooting runs past you, its hilariously broken. This and replenish grenades you have plenty tools to handle this situation. Your responsibility as a vet is to clear the elites and specials, your ability highlights them for you, and the team. Focus on this and ignore the hordes.

How do you ignore hordes?

Just stand still, sounds easier said then done, but it’s the truth. Do you even notice traitor gaurd standing still firing their ranged at your team and they all ignore him? its the same for you. Standing still during hordes and block push if they get close, dodge retreat to a melee character and dump the enemies on them. Its cheesy, but it’s an unspoken way of playing from vermintide, you want to stay near your allies so you can funnel properly. Kiting away is asking to get flanked or hit, you need to dodge into your allies to help you with the burden. They will likewise do the same, but this is where your grenades come in, you can avoid hordes entirely with grenades.

Dump your grenades into a horde immediately at the start. Maybe keep one for that moment u wished you had one, and having a grenade a minute is very good. You should be throwing a grenade every 61 seconds.

This penance is not terrible. I’ve played multiple mission taking no melee damage and Im not the greatest in melee, but you have to use the old cata style from V2. Hold block the entire mission.

The last thing I will mention to hopefully help you is; sprinting is bad, stamina is good. The only times you should sprint is at the very breggining before the “drop”/end to the exit, and during a boss fight. The other time to consider is if your teammates are 1-2 rooms ahead and its cleared.

Walk everywhere and save your stamina. Use the buddy system, if you are walking with another teammate and 2 more are further ahead, continue to walk with your brother/sister in arms.

If you play solo, let your team move ahead and make a deicision to stay with one, or if you dont want to do that, try to path towards a teammate. Always let them go first into new areas, they most likely want to be the hero. A pro tip is to highlight and allow them to pick up ammo, even if you need it. They will most likely return the favor and also lean towards you in a fight or pinch since you are creating that sense of teamwork.
Screenshot 2022-11-28 122915


I did this legit, just go on the outdoors disruption map. Just keep your block up while running aroundzd ts a very easy mission.

Whats BS is that getting grabbed by a dog or mutant fails this penance.

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