Ogryn Havoc True Survivor with randoms (update Havoc 40 with randoms just wrapped up)

hi folks,

not without personal pride i took the latest havoc milestone as ogryn without a premade.

so i can check true survivor and a havoc past 35 off the list, with only level 40 left to crack.

huge shoutout to the great team, that gave an ogryn the chance to prove i´m up to the task, well played indeed. :+1: :saluting_face:

so this here´s to show ogryn can get through, without shield or defensive talents and gets enemies dead quick enough to take pressure off the team.

hope you enjoy :kissing_heart:


despite youtube algorithm hating my guts (again) i seem to have something in common with the “big guys” :grin:

one dude must have made a subscription to follow me around and dislike videos, if i had to guess months ago i had to block someone for going ape :poop: about why youtube has the audacity to show him channels with few views… bad channel…booo :rofl:

“gelb vor Neid”


Nice job! Good to see its still possible to get a decent team! lol.

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thx mate, appreciate it.

so far finding teams as ogryn takes the longest part of my spare game time, to the point i dont really warm up or “get into it”

normally before havoc on a good evening with 6-8 matches i was warm after the first and really psyked up come 2-7 with the last tilting and losing concentration.

now i start the game, wait a good long time for a team (which in itself would be ok if it was having a proper output) either ending in multiple rejections


having fought a match and the team splits up again repeat the whole procedure to the point of not getting into a good flow.

havoc as a difficulty feels good, already not getting any kicks anymore from histg or maelstrom.

BUT it needs to be available when someone has the time to spare, not the other way round.

having finally found said team and wrapped both achievements for upload, i quit the game and continued stalker 2, despite still being in darktide mood.

should give the devs something to consider :man_shrugging:


Ohh… Wow, nice! I’m shocked you did it with randoms. Congratz :muscle:

Welcome to the club.

Hopefully, when 40 time comes you get a decent map for it. We had to do ours on Gloriana which was extra brutal. It was funny everybody in Discord was like “ohhh”.

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I feel this, I got mine with pugs aswell and the amount of time spent menuing through the party finder was rough, the most frustrating part for sure. It’s a tough world out there for Ogryns. This game needs to bring the challenge of higher Havocs into quickplay modes somehow.

Anyways, well done king!


“Slow down big man, you’re making me look bad!”

(Awesome and congrats) :smiley_cat:

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I did the True Survivor Rank last night & got to Havoc 40 at the start of the week; all as Ogryn (with randoms aswell).
Plan to duo it with another friend that’s a complete godlike/freak Ogryn so he can get it done aswell


I almost exclusively play as Ogryn now and only ever play with randoms. Got my level 40 and true survivor (in the same mission!) and must admit it felt good :blush:

I still believe that level 18-25 games are often much harder than anything higher due to the teammate RNG.

And nice job Index! Brogryns unite!

Btw if anyone plays with a friendly pickaxe-sliding Oggy dressed as commando who crashes to desktop pretty much at the start and finish of every havoc match then…hey! :wave: :laughing:


So much depends on the map! I just cleared 39 on Dark Communion which was frickin wild, imo DC and Gloriana are the two hardest havoc maps…

Btw nice job Index :slight_smile:


Hell yes! Literally played with another Ogryn about a week ago & we beat it too. Just really depends on the player not everybody can be super skilled at him which I think it’s an extra layer of impressive.


Holy!! I remember the LifeLine guy!
We played today, but they crashed in the middle of our game, sadly

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Trying to read your UI


my thanks ogryn-bröder, the guys were great though, random or not.
only thing (and thats an issue of its own) is we did without voice communication and our chemistry just clicked by gameplay alone.
one of the best feelings darktide offers you in my opinion.

as for the maps, funny enough before that match i had a 40 in vigil station.
psyker, zealot and shield ogryn.
the first jumpoff 2 guys bit the dust cause there was an armada of gunners & reapers.
match gotten to the first big bridge, where we were pushed back and ironically for all the bubbles, books and ogryn shield, my branx was the last thing swinging and backtracking, spitefully taking out a few more heretics before succumbing to overwhelming odds :rofl:

the most offense spec was last ogryn standing, go figure :saluting_face:

and that´s whats ultimately gonna sour my impression for havoc.
usually i´m having 10 hour shifts.
i come home and wanna squeeze as much life out of the day as possible.
now having the choice between 20 minutes of rejections and other games… :roll_eyes:

thing is, i´m still very passionate about my channel and want to create as much quality gameplay as possible (that means highest setting available)
if the game puts me on hold though, time runs out without nothing to show for :frowning:

my sincerest thanks :saluting_face:

that´d be epic, hats off to you and rashuns well earned :muscle:

and thats a bitter twist of events, for all the mechanics ogryn lacks to suit him “better” for havoc the most “simple” character becomes one of the most demanding for the player has to make up for the lack of tools with personal ideas and skill.
and a 2 ton pickaxe helps of course :grin:

and it´ll get even smaller if i figure out how to just display the numbers of my team mates :wink:

personally i hate everything that screams “game” in my face when all i want is the frame of my monitor to “disappear” while i immerse myself fully into the wonderful world that is 40k.

fallout new vegas for example (and later 4) i modded in helmet overlays that give you the view from inside an actual t-51b helmet (well, if it was a real thing that is)
and for 200 hours i was strutting around with a small slit that blocked most of my view, but i WAS inside that armor.

that feeling alone made for such awesome gameplay, vanilla cant ever come close to.

now as for darktide, i come from a loooong history of quake/unreal tournament games, when we reduced everything that wasnt necessary to the utmost important numbers, to not get distracted from whats going on in a fracture of a second.

that feeling stuck all the way into darktide, i love the speed, the chaos, the frenzy and 180° flickshots like i´m 18 again.

for the life of me i can´t understand people cluttering their UI with a lightshow, blocking 70% of important spatial impressions and information… but to each their own.

and (and this is a major factor) people seem to enjoy the raw gameplay in almost cinematic mode when watching my content.
as small as my channel is, i take pride in what i do and like to provide something others don´t for their goal is to have this “buddy experience” with small talk and fancy UI.
me, i like to portrait darktide as if it was an animated series :smiling_face:


Congrats Index! Its good to see Ogryn players achieve Havocs despite all the recent uproar of “Ogryn got debuffed”

Even for myself when playing Ogryn, I have been able to survive most missions at Damnation, and been playing Ogryn more than I usually do to stay on top of playing as that class

My only drawback is that my current Havoc Level is at 18 and I can’t seem to find any players to successfully level up with, then again, I do seek to be confident that I can play at high difficulty without being downed… just making sure I am on top of skills, as I honestly admit I straddle the grey area between Casual and Hardcore player lol

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thanking you, sah :saluting_face:
we’re still in the phase where people hold on for dear life while clawing themselves through 40, the more books and bubbles the better.

naturally as with everything there’s exceptions and good players together can be more lenient in their composition.

problem right now for ogryn: you’re supposed to do a support role your character isnt fit to be.
as in : shield&taunt increases your survivability (though you already got psyker and zealot for that) you then lack severe damage output and killing potential.

so critique my match earned was lack of “team specs” and gotten hard carried.

(no matter me having the second highest output, little damage taken and not going down due to positioning and pacing with only one tight spot that affected everyone at the moment of medpack drop)

that 2 zealots already had enough defensive redundance seems to be “un-grasp-able”

likewise, take 2 zealots without books and they struggle the same as ogryn.

anyways, if you score yourself a premade with voice, your loadout mirrors the team composition.

HOWEVER, if you fly blind/solo, not knowing who you get and what their skill is, best you can do is making sure you’re at the top of your personal abilities in terms of offense and getting around fast.

so yes, i trade a 4 second team buff (with the likelyhood of the team not acting upon my ults activation) for an ever present stronger damage output and getting threats dead quicker anytime when playing with randoms.

nor do i like to taunt myself in a corner despite having a dmg debuff on enemies, dont see my mates commit to the heap i load upon myself and die without options to relocate.

again, voice and premade given, this IS the better situation.
but in 100 random matches you get 100 different results with the only stable part being yourself.

besides bullrush gives damage bonus on the number of peeps ran over… so me doing the job myself anyways gets the enemies dead just the same, without relying on others, that might not come at all


well, not “debuffed”, it’s more that every other class has an ability that changes havoc gameplay: psyker shield and zealot chorus are necessary to suppress gunners since you can’t fight them normally, vet shout to toughen up everyone… while ogryn doesn’t have anything special for dealing with this and is a big target for said gunners. which, again, doesn’t mean ogryns can’t play havoc, it’s just more difficult than with golden light and blue bubbles.

again, thanks to @Reginald for WORLDS FIRST HAVOC 40 OGRYN MELEE ONLY | Darktide


and him having a dmg reduction against gunners on curio “geht runter wie öl” after getting some flak from armchair tacticians :“gunner reduction is only for elites, its USELESS”
yeah no sht sherlock, guess who’s not dealt with swiftly with a kickback shot…little shooties are bad but killable if you have good pacing.
elites shrug it off and keep firing with pus skin etc.

granted the cdr spec isnt in my build, cause i simply dont trust randoms to make something out of the sacrifices leading to a personal worse performance…

at least my gunner reduction is redeemed :rofl:

I did it, Havoc 35, with only one of them being my friend!
(not as impressive, I know)

The other two, Tausen and Markus, were f’ing great, holy wow, shout out to them :muscle:

And here’s proof

My little build

Shield + Kickback + Bomb + Rush + Heavy Hitter

With Markus(sheesh, how can someone be this good with a laspistol) we beat like 29-31, and then Tausen joined the party(he was the random I played with yesterday, I liked him so much I instantly befriended him) till we beat 35 Havoc.
(My friend was good as always, I don’t give him enough credit here)

Ok, I gotta say, that at the first glance Markus and Tausen should have been awful players, as they had like +30 and +50 levels, but holy did they impressed me very much.

There were 40 havoc players, +400 level guys, and none of them played that good.

The good team and the power of friendship is the way to win :muscle:


congrats :saluting_face:
onto the next one ogryn

truelevel only gives a rough estimate for how long peeps been around.
for all i know they could have paused for a year and reemerged for havoc,thus rusty as hell.

probably your mates had much higher alts and were still in shape, most hard skills translate very well into other classes.

for now though there’s two sides to havoc for me:
peeps claim oggy getting hard carried no matter what and best he has to offer is “water boy” specs

(i refuse to butcher a build that clutched and carried many a maelstrom so wololo get a 4 sec.speed buff IF they even pay attention to me using the ult)


spiteful me, not respecting goals reached ONLY with books and bubbles as a crutch, thinking to have the better skill when “mandatory” mechanics were key to said “success”

there are great zealots and psykers that play very skilled, but lets be real, the majority of people clinging to dear life to boast completion wouldnt have gotten it with “lesser” classes

comes with demotion and people playing it safe at all costs i guess :man_shrugging:

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Yeah you can totally trivialize havoc 40 if you go hard on those cookiecutter strats. Reginalds 4 ogryn clear vid that Pirx linked earlier shows it’s possible without any of it, but also shows how ballbustingly hard it is, even with 4 excellent players who are locked in and communicating every move.
To me it’s just funny how that same content can be cleared almost effortlessly by 4 pugs who kind of know what they’re doing, without mics or coordination, just spamming gold toughness and shield. Powerlevels in this game are all over the place