I just say it! I TOLD YOU SO!
By demanding a nerf to PS because you felt somewhat left in the shadow with your Zealot. Because you felt like you can not be THE HERO in every round. That it is not always YOU who can clear every horde solo. That’s WHY some of you demanded that the PS should get a nerf.
All the topics about ‘‘pls fatshark nerf the Power Sword’’…
They do not see the arguments inside and decide if they should do it. They saw the total number of new topics about Weapon X need a nerf. And then they decided to foster the loud minority.
And i told you in some of that ‘‘nerf PS’’ topics, that if you start calling for nerfs in this 4 class PVE game, like it would be a 2 side PVP game. That the only thing you will get is an endless spiral of nerfing and buffing. Up and Down and so on. Favor of the month… up and down, nerf this, buff that. That’s what you get if you bring your WoW mentality to every other online game.
Flamer was OP from the start. Did anyone cried about it? NO! The only issue other classes had with it, was that it blocks the aim of others. But you were loud and demanded a NERF on a weapon of another class. Not because it hindered you in any way to survive the level. But because it scratched your EGO, that another class could handle melee mobs, that you feel only your class should be able to.
Salty Zealot players started a nerf call. They got fostered. Now the Nerf War started. Well done Zealot main players.
I just wish you the best. Hopefully one day Zealot will be THE ONLY good class for MELEE.
Best way to achieve that would be:
- to take away the BOLTER from Zealot. That is a way to sharpshooter like weapon for them anyway. -
- to cut the range of the flamer down to 20 feet like it should be for a weapon of THE BEST MELEE CLASS.