Not caring has freed me

Decided to do whatever I feel like. SO my Psyker is running with a Stub Revolver and Chainsword. My Ogryn teammate is using the powermaul and ripper, the Zealot is using the Eviscerator and Bolter, and Veteran the recon rifle and chainaxe.
Why? Because we can. Because why not? Because F#ck it.
I haven’t had nearly as much fun in weeks. I’m poppin heads with BB, then poppin heads with the Revolver. And when a Psyker rushes in against some Maulers and Chainswords their face off it is very satisfying.
Has this affected our completion % ? Maybe.
Are we even close to BiS numbers? Nope.
Do we give a flying sh#t? Definitely not.
Are we having a blast? Oh Yes!
And isn’t that the goal? Isn’t it better to fool around, have some fun, and then call it for the evening? Because if the Developers don’t really care about the game why should we? Let it go Indiana…Sorry Last Crusade flashback. Let go of the hate…wait that’s Star Wars…hell with it, GO have some fun!

*Note: We have made ammo a competition. We are purposely stealing ammo from each other. Whoever has the most at the end of the mission wins.


Chainsword is REALLY underrated as a Psyker’s primary weapon.


Sounds great. I hope to run into you in game. I could not care less if you equip BiS gear or not (whatever that is).

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I´d guess it´s short for “Best in Slot” or such.

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I reguraly run this on Damantion with no problems. In fact I would say its a great set up. Evi is great, so is bolter…stub revolver on psyker does indeed suggest you are trolling. I could almost forgive someone using chainaxe, I mean at least when they fall we can use them as a punch bag for the horde?

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When your game’s balance, design choices, and crafting are so bad that some players end up discovering their own enlightenment. :joy:


Like half of those are just excellent weapons for the class you’re using them on anyway :rofl:

Respect not caring about meta though.


Fun fact: i feel like it melts scab captain energy shield faster than any weapon


I prefer the appearance of most of the bad variant weapons. Like Mk IV cleaver or the spammy lasgun. I really should make an auto clicker macro for when I feel like using it.

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Sounds like the first step is to actually have friends to play with. No one i started with is around anymore. They’re still on DRG tho… really makes you wonder :thinking:

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I play Heresy and Damn PUGs by myself or with one friend and you really don’t need a full group to run off meta and get away with it. Haven’t had much trouble getting full groups through QP recently though I imagine that will depend on region.

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That’s great and all, but not the point. OP made a post about how much fun he’s having. I made the observation that what he described would be realistic without a real friend group. It’s not just about running off-meta, it’s about competitively “goofing about” and having fun together with a team which you are familiar with.

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Their post is literally about the joy of running whatever weapon you feel like. How do you possibly need a friend group to do that?

Edit: posted that before seeing your edit. You can also goof around and have fun with randos through text chat or voice chat. Happens to me often in PUGs.

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Did you miss the deliberately sacrificing completion rate, and also the ammo hogging competition, all in the name of having fun? Or the fact that OP and his team admit they don’t give two fks? Ask yourself: if you were looking for a 4th discord premade, would you want OP on your team? Would you expect and desire this behaviour from a PUG? Most would answer no to both.

I’ve been playing with a group lately who use the exact same character build EVERY SINGLE ROUND, they play so utterly safe and take no risks at all that I just cannot find fun in playing with them anymore.

Sure our damnation and high intensity pass rate was almost 100% but after playing like this for weeks on end I think I’d rather fail 5 runs in a row having fun with total randoms and taking a few risks than pass every single run by playing as optimally and rote as humanly possible.


Congratulations. You have finally started the process commonly referred to as “growing up”.

Now just think how much fun you could have had if you hadn’t spent the first 2 months treating the game as a source of social status to be reached via spreadsheets and “meta builds” but as a source of fun. As the developers intended.

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I don’t ever play meta, its just sad that balance and game variety ends up stale because of it. I won’t even play VT2 anymore for the constant spam of DLC screen hero weapons that give me no rats to fight. Can’t even say I’m jazzed for Sienna despite her being my favorite.

Too true. A few friends of mine played Vermintide for years. Two of us really like Darktide because of how well FS managed the gunplay (I’m still surprised at that tbh, but I’m really and truly happy about it) and the other is a bit on he fence.

However… whereas I could pick up Vermintide and play on my own I hardly ever do that with Darktide, and when I do it’s only to finish off weeklies more than for the fun of it. Hitman Freelancer has been taking a lot of my solo time now…

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Look out everyone, the fun understander has logged on.

I mean you can have fun with off meta weapons but acting like it’s sone kind of triumph of game design and everything being random rolls plays into that is pretty funny overall.

I just imagine the flip side of this where a person is absolutely malding because people can choose what what they want and aren’t forced to play the lottery just to get what they want.

Caring too much about winning is the most effective way to kill the fun of any Tide game in my experience. If you only cared about grinding resources through guaranteed wins you wouldn’t be playing higher difficulties in the first place. The only friend I play with regularly runs laspistol Psyker half the time. You’re probably right that most would rather see people bring meta loadouts. My experience with Heresy and Damnation have been that most are pretty chill with whatever you bring as long as you don’t play dumb and manage to stay on your feet for most of the run.

I really think you’re needlessly restricting yourself if you feel like you can’t jump into higher diffs with suboptimal loadouts you enjoy.