@Reginald won’t post it anyway so here it is:
Oh… That wasn’t the tutorial. My bad, here it is.
Instant like, view, and “thanks” because useful / proactive content is and should always be welcome.
Genuinely useful content on the forums. Thank you.
Even if I still hate the weapon
/strikethrough/ --Ironically I got a 545 drop from a mission once. On my Psyker. –
You mean the regular chainsword?
Checks memory (flaky).
Checks game (also flaky, but more reliable in this instance).
Agrees with Archaon.
Yes. I meant the evisc as I hate that on zealot, but misremembered the drop on Psyker.
The point was though that it’s still a good community post. My ramblings shouldn’t detract.
A psyker running around with a huge two handed chainsword would be quite a sight, though!
Biomancer when?
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