'No lights' missions

Full full unplayable on quality cinema display (with ‘real black’)
Game brightness max. and I still don’t see anything… full stupid…

  • Some guns have flashlights attached to them. They are useful for that mode (do not shine it at demon hosts, or you will agro them).
  • Most if not all fodder enemies have glowing eyes, which you can see while they are looking at you.
  • Most if not all elite enemies have glowing parts on them, which you can see.
  • Specials have glowing parts, which let you see and clearly identify them.
  • It certainly helps, if you have played a map a few times, before you go in with lights out.
  • Some guns have flashlights attached to them. They are useful for that mode (do not shine it at demon hosts, or you will agro them). *

This could be an answer but (correct me if I’m wrong) Ogryns don’t play these weapons. So IMO a game mode where a class is disadvantage is completely unacceptable.

PS : and there is a Random mission mode, so I’m not supposed to play with a specific stuff.


The flashlight is quite useful to navigate through the mission, if you do not know the map well, but is definitely not needed.
Since you are playing in a group and should move around as such, not everyone needs a flashlight either way.

In melee fights, you do not use flashlights and do not need them because enemies glow.

Yes, when this special condition is up and you think that you need a flashlight, it kinda sucks that you do not get to swap any gear before entering a running mission via quickplay.

about this:

Wouldn’t this make it easier for you to see, since the contrast for dark shades should be better on such a display?

My personal experience is, that this special condition felt near unplayable, when i was new to the game and did not know the maps or the enemies. There were too many new things to focus properly on the important information on screen.
Yesterday, my buddy and i went through a lights out mission and had no problem navigating or dealing with any of the enemies, because we are more experienced now. No flashlights needed.
It took us 1 minute longer than the same mission, when we did it without the modifier a bit later.

I think that maybe the lighting with this special condition should be increased a bit for the lower difficulties, since that is usually where players are less experienced with the map layout and the enemies.

Seems like not, cinema and game pictures are not the same and that’s why I created this post ; thank you for your answer but I don’t ask for tips to play in the dark.
Consoles games can be very dark but it’s always more or less ok, when PC games try to do some dark things it’s quite unplayable (my friends got the same feeling), so please stop do that or double check rendering.
‘Dark PC games’ are fine on my desktop and projector setup but not on my TV setup.

I have only played 3 of them but I love the mode.

I think it should be very common and with more play testing and light adjustments will be the best mode.

A lot of the basics enemy’s have lights somewhere on there body and most gunners and specials also have lights that make then pop out in the dark.

I think it potentially with a few changes like been able to identify every enemy in the game with some kind of light placement pattern on the range enemy’s.

The heavy gunner and mutant look great when you look at them in the dark while others are near invisible.

Make every range enemy all have lights that are always on like the gunners have lit up visors but then make melee enemy’s only light up once they agro onto you.

I just love being an ogryn and having literally zero ways to create light.

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Yeah even as someone who generally likes dark missions, these are all 100% correct arguments.

  • it sucks Ogryn don’t have an option for a weapon with a light
  • quick match exists, so you can end up randomly in a mission without light
  • and when that happens even if your class can have a light, you can’t change your loadout while entering the mission!

I mean the reason I like them is I’m very familiar with the missions, so I can easily navigate them in the dark. It’s probably crazy frustrating to try to play those levels for players who aren’t that familiar with the missions.

Correct. You did not ask for tips. You just claimed that it was „full unplayable“ and „full stupid“ because you „don‘t see anything“.
Which is definitely not the case in general.

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Have you tried not queing for those missions? That’s a easy fix for something you personally don’t like

shoot barrels XD

The anger of the teammate I just yeeted off the map will be my light!

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Beautifull take :grin:

Tbh i recently managed to bomb 2 of my teammates into the warp, but it was an accident, believe me.
Had it also happen to me more than once.

Flamers and some Staffs are hard to Control sometimes, you just dont see it.

Ogryns have all my Sympathie :heart:

Fully, a skill issue