New weapon skins are misleading

Not only are these new weapon skins hideous and overpriced, they’re also misleading

that hellbore lasgun has a sight and torch on it which the actual skin doesnt have, and the image has a bolt pistol that isnt even in the bundle, it has a bolt gun instead

fatshark seal of quality


Not saying you’re wrong, but seeing as we just got a hint about ogryns getting flashlights of some kind, it might just be that we’re getting weapon mods sometime soon.

Granted, complete speculation, but it seems a pretty massive oversight on their part to include sights and lasers in the ad if that wasn’t a coming feature.
(and yes, i agree that might be on brand!)


Also the Accatran has its power pack in the wrong place.

Bravo Fatshark, you’re charging us over four or five times the original value of these skins and can’t be bothered to make sure the model is right


Isn’t it just a loose power pack?
I mean, you can see the empty magwell on the rifle, and the mag has the guide rod for that magwell.

Nah, it’s clipping into the gun’s body, because whoever made this just shoved the power pack where it’d be for the infantry lasgun and called it a day


Was about to edit in that is obviously a sloppy paste job, but I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a separate mag. That they clipped it over the trigger guard and it looks goofy, absolutely.

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Making good games like Vermintide 1 and 2, and Darktide in the actual state “starts to” feel good to play with your friends.

Now? Releasing such unready & crude skinpacks which are on their showcase pictures a misrepresentation. Additionally the scammedy scam prices in aquelias they want for that bad joke?

:person_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Fatshark - what the actual fakkk ?

Uhoh. Good catches and thanks for the feedback all. We’ll have an amended image up pronto!

How about skins with good iron sights for guns instead?

Fix the prices while you’re at it. 800 Aquilas for EVERY weapon, not 2900 for a pack of 5.


Is this another “No the vox intercept isn’t referring to a new gun!!!” situation? :joy:

how on earth did they think to create this image? are they planning to eventually add holo sights and flashlights in the future? or is the cosmetics department completely separate, and the person who made this image has never played the game and has no idea what’s actually going on in it?

my theory is this was made before the game came out when they still thought weapon customisation would be a thing

Imagine if the Helbore had proper sights, would have loved to use it then.

I find it to be unusuable in its current state. Way too difficult to see what you’re aiming at for a precision weapon like that.


Sights and flashlight accessories… Dukane talking about training our rejects… I’VE GOT IT! Dukane will teach our rejects how to put accessories on our guns and that will lead to the weapon customization update! You’ve played your trail of breadcrumbs too soon, fatshark. All cryptic riddles fall before me.

You know what? Kark you
unbullpups your recon las


You might want to show whoever is doing those little 3d images the guns ingame beforehand. He messed up the flamer magazine placement here too:

It’s not like it’s a big deal but it’s kind of funny he’s just mashing them into random spots, looks pretty scuffed


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