New Voice Actors

I know we’re all focused on weapon balancing and the impending crafting update right now, but I was thinking: wouldn’t it be great if we had some new voices to pick from, or even better, if we could reuse the same actors?

I wouldn’t mind hearing Savant Psyker’s voice for Wahid, my Veteran, for example.

Personally, I appreciate at least one of the variations for each class, but I occasionally feel as if some personality options are lacking.


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What do you think a reasonable price would be for a DLC that added extra voices?

I’ll be honest, the additional work new voice actors would create would for the most part mean that when ever possible they should avoid it, and the only way I see new VA being introduced would be if a new archetype is introduced.

Like going from 12-21 VA to 15-24 or 15-27 is an exponential increase

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A good question…

I’d hoped that sales of MTX cosmetics would pay the expense of the new voice options, but that may have been foolish.

However, it should not be too expensive in order to foster community goodwill.

This was more of a question about if the community was interested in the subject, specifically regarding Darktide’s future after FatShark finishes the crafting update.

Naturally, voice acting, Mourningstar revamp, and/or cosmetics are never the most important things in a game, but I am one of those scrubs that adores those aspects of it, especially when it comes to character creation and transmog/outfit customization.

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I prefer female models, more hair cuts and more faces.

But just my opinion.
Also if I remember well, the game has audio of other languages (i play with english interface for too much time to remember if the answer if yes or no).
If they have to add voices also for other versions, I guess this is an important work.

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honestly, i wouldn’t mind having more options for the voices of the personalities, i also wouldn’t mind having more venders and NPC’s.

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Then I would mostly still say that it’s not something that I would buy, it is something that would make me buy a new archetype (Where I would be less inclined if they did an archetype but had 2 share personalities)

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Because Wahid is a self-insert (my forum avatar is a photo edited picture of my real face), I don’t play with female characters, but I see what you mean.

I think they should do it.

Howeverrrrrr, this assumes that Fatshark are still 100% commited to the future of the game. Any investment by the company must feasibly be able to make returns, and the only way they’re gonna do that is selling more copies, or selling new DLC.

But, as for new voices? I think it’d be HUGE. I’ve been whining about the lack of psyker voices. I also really want a German accent for a Krieg style vet, but I’m probably just wishing :pensive: (seriously, the voice actors FS hire are so freaking good, they could do almost anything they need)

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This is an interesting point that I agree with.
Voices with accents would be a great addition for the game.


I’m not really super knowledgable about the lore, but isn’t Krieg primarily inspired by French WWI soldiers, aside from the name?

But sure, I’m all for it because no one speaks gothic as they should anyhow!

I’d like more American-sounding voices (yes, I know there are a lot of American accents) because, I don’t know, I think the Star Wars and Warhammer obsession for the British is getting a little old.

And yes, I know that Warhammer is British in origin.

Give me an Arabic/English accent for poor Wahid, and all will be forgiven, Fatshark.

Krieg means war in german.
I did not see any link between germany and the planet Krieg in lore, however it seems logical.

At least, I am french, and there is nothing related to Krieg in our language or the past of the army.

They’re a melting pot of all the belligerent of WW1


check this (in french so use google translate)

Krieg (homonymie) — Wikipédia (

this is what wiki displays as entries related to Krieg. All is linked to germany. So, at least, nothing relies this word with french culture.

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I know and the german word “Krieg” = “Krig” in swedish, but look at this:

A German soldier is standing on the left, and a French soldier is on the right.

The French soldier resembles the Krieg in Warhammer (coat, pants, and wrappings), particularly when wearing a German gas mask.

For me the german one is more what we have in lore…

Lore illustration:

look at helmet of the model used in game:

Game model

PS: french uniforms have been really ugly during ww1 and the start of ww2…

Are you discussing the helmet?

I realize that Wh40k mixes and matches numerous cultures, such as Tallarn not being the equivalent of “real world” Arabians (made up of several different cultures, but you know what I mean), but Krieg has always struck me as significantly inspired by the French, aside from the name, of course.

The color on the picture you have provided is clearly like the french uniform. However, I don’t think it is related to french culture as I believe that the name is more important and that you don’t refer to correct uniforms.
And still the french helmet (ugly if you ask me) has nothing in common with the krieg uniform in wh40k.

Also, if you check ww2 german uniforms, the color is blue grey and close to what is used on krieg model.

Here an image of the german ww2 uniform:

Here also something I ve found:
Feldgrau - Wikipedia

For french ww1 troops, see here:
MA_uniformes-14-18-primaire.indd (

clearly blue… (document from french army museum, so in french sorry)

The blue grey have been the color for german troops for the 2 world wars. It is named field-grey


on the subject of voices, it’d be cool if we had something between Russian ogryns and the bully. or how we have an ethnic psyker and then 2 crazy loons for male voices. veteran and zealot have a good variety I have no complaints about. female psykers are also peak. but those options lack hard for me, sorry not a huge fan of the subtitles arguing or ‘hey friend want some rations’.